Chapter Ten

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*Welcome to the world Maxine Porter-Jokic*
Michael Porter Jr- 9 months and 39 weeks pregnant,

Denver, Colorado

Mike and Nikola were watching the grey's anatomy on Tv in the living room while they were chilling together when Mike felt a sharp pain on his stomach. "Mike? Mike? What's wrong?" Nikola noticed that Mike was panting heavily. "Babe, my stomach hurts!" Mike shouted while holding his large bump. "Oh my, let me call Mrs. Porter and see what's going on," Mike nods as Nikola calls Mrs. Porter to check on Mike to see what was happening and she tells him that Mike is going through the signs of labor. His mother arrives at the house to help him cope with the labor pains. "How are you feeling Mike?" She asked. "Not so good mom, my stomach still hurts," He groaned. "It's okay Mike, try to relax and breathe," He nodded and fell asleep.


"Yuck! That's so gross!" Mike started shouting. "Mike what happened?" Nikola ran to the kitchen indicating that Mike's water had broken. "Can you please call mom? My water just broke!" He asked him. Mrs. Porter rushed to get Mike in the car to take him to the hospital while Nikola goes to the room to put the hospital bags in the car. Mike was hyperventilating and groaning. "Mike, just breathe. Just breathe ok?" She placed her hand on the pregnant belly. "It'll pass," She took him to the back of the seat to get Mike to relax. Jontay was in charge of the driving. "Mike! What happened?" He looked scared. "I don't know what to say, but it hurts!" Mike shouted. "Oh my, we're almost there at the hospital," Jontay coerced him to take deep breaths. "Just breathe with me Mike, we're nearly there," When they reached at the hospital. "Doctors! Nurses! Mike's in labor," Mrs. Porter alerted the hospital staff that were writing on the clipboard. "Okay, bring him here with us, we'll take him to the room," Jontay waited anxiously for his brother to be taken to the hospital room.

*Maternity Ward*

"Nikola I am so scared!" Mike was shaking knowing that he couldn't face the pain. "Please don't leave me," "Mike, I'll never leave you. I'll be by your side ok? And I'm sure our baby is going to come out healthy," He whispered. "Don't worry Mike, we'll get through this together," "Mike," Mrs. Porter stays on the other side. "You can do this! You're strong," "Mom I'm not," Mike shakes his head in fear. "I don't know how to do this," "I know, but you need to be brave. It will hurt and I know that," She tries to console her distressed son. The team of doctors arrived at the maternity ward, putting on their masks, gloves and the surgical gowns to assist Mike with the birthing.

Michael Porter Jr: Mom, I can't do this 😣😭.

Mrs. Porter: Mikey, it's okay. You got this! We'll make sure that the baby is safe and sound.

"Alright Mike, it's time for you to start pushing," The doctor said closing the curtains along with the nurses. It was time for Mike to start pushing. He was holding both of Nikola's hand and the other was his mother's hand. "Just like that Mike, you can do this," Nikola said. Mike breathes heavily and pushes with all his will. He was screaming on top of his lungs while the doctors were commanding him to push. "Just like that Mike keep going," He encouraged. "Owwwwww!" He bores down and pushes again. "Come on Mike. Push some more!" "Gah! It hurts!" His face turns red while breathing heavily. It felt like the birth was taking a toll on Mike.

Michael Porter Jr: AAHHHHHH! Mom I can't.

Mrs. Porter: you can do this Mike! Just keep going.

Michael Porter Jr: It still hurts!!

Mrs. Porter: It's okay Mike, just try it.

Michael Porter Jr: Okay, I'll try it. But this isn't happening.

Michael Porter Jr. And Nikola Jokic: The Guilt TripWhere stories live. Discover now