Chapter Fourteen

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*Maxine's first birthday*
Denver, Colorado
January 24, 2021.

It was a snowy day in Denver where Mike and Nikola are at home planning to celebrate the first birthday of their daughter Maxine. It felt like yesterday when Maxine was a newborn since Mike went in labor with her. Somehow, Mike remembers the time when she was still moving around inside Mike's womb when he was resting on the bed with Nikola Jokic waiting for her to be born. After the difficult birth that he went through, he was still able to push for the last time and moments later, Maxine was born.

Michael Porter Jr POV:

Today is my Maxie-poo's birthday and my oh my! It felt like yesterday when I went in labor just to bring her to the world. It was hard at first, but I managed to take it slow just to avoid forcing myself to push too much. In fact, I wouldn't trade her for anything in this world because she is my diamond.

Nikola Jokic POV:

It felt like yesterday when my little Maxine was born. Oh my goodness! It was so tough when Mike spent the majority pushing for 30 minutes, I stayed by his side when he screamed on top of his lungs trying to bring our little bundle to the world. There were times that our little Maxine wouldn't come out, I rubbed his wrists to keep him relaxed. After half an hour of going on all fours, she was crowning from Mike's stretch but something scary happened when I suspected that it was a shoulder dystocia and he was sobbing. Thankfully, all of the doctors came to intervene to get the her shoulders to turn. Moments later, that was when our little Maxine was born. Today, Maxine is turning one year old and golly she's growing up so fast.


1 year ago when he went in labor

"Push! Mike! Big push for us!" The Doctor encouraged again. "AAAAHHHHHH! AAAHHHHHHHH!" Mike yelled as the tears were still visible on his face. "There you go Mike! Keep going!" The doctor smiled while monitoring the birth. "You're halfway there," Two doctors spread Mike's legs wide open to get the baby to go down while Brooke the other nurse is still pressing on Mike's belly to ease the discomfort. For instance, he was struggling to keep up with his strength to get the baby to come out. On the other hand, Nikola Jokic who was wearing the protective gown and mask was starting to feel very concerned for Mike telling the doctors that he was having a difficult time, he panted heavily due to the pressure on his lower areas. They lifted the sheet to get an access for the birth. Most of the doctors' gloves were stained with blood from all the work on Mike's areas. After a long period of trying and pushing, Mike was starting to notice the changes. He was now in the crowning stage knowing that the baby's head had finally emerged.

*Crowning stage*

"IT BURNS!!" Mike shouted knowing that he felt the burning sensation due to the baby's head emerging from his stretch. "Mike I can see the baby's head," The doctor saw the head that was crowning. "She has so much hair," Mike was panting heavily. However, something unusual had happened. "Her head is out but her shoulders haven't turned," Mike had suspected that it was a shoulder dystocia meaning that the baby's shoulders were stuck between his pelvis. "No... This can't be!" Mike sobbed. "What's going on?" "Mike I know you're having a hard time, but we need to get the shoulders to turn since they're still stuck," The team of doctors told him. Nikola was watching Mike sobbing and crying. He didn't like to see Mike being in a lot of pain. "Don't push yet okay?" She ordered him not to push. "We need to wait for the shoulders to turn," "Mom! What's going on?" Mike asked with his worrisome voice. "What's going on with my baby?" "Mike you know what happened when the baby's shoulders got stuck? They don't want you to push yet," His mother replied.

Michael Porter Jr: Damn it Mom! Why did this have to happen?

Nikola Jokic: Mike I know it's not easy but the baby's shoulders haven't turned yet.

Mike was concerned for the safety of the baby despite of him on the crowning stage. Two of the other doctors rushed to the room to intervene to get the baby's shoulders to turn. "Mike, you're going to feel a pressure, but this should help," Mike was shaking uncontrollably hearing the words from the other doctors, Nikola and Mrs. Porter held both of Mike's thighs. "Okay, one! Two! Three!" They applied the pressure on Mike's lower belly causing him to let out an ear-piercing scream. "It's okay Mike! I managed to do the Gaskin Maneuver," The nurse fixed the problem of the baby's shoulders. "Finally, I couldn't handle this pain anymore," Mike sighed feeling eighty percent relieved that it was finally over but halfway through. "Okay her head is already out but this will hurt more since you have to push for the shoulders," She encouraged. Geez! That's going to hurt. Mike thought it was over with but he knows that the baby will be out in no time, so he grabs on to Nikola's hands to prepare for the final push. Mike pushed again wailing in agony until he felt the sense of relief and hearing the sound of the baby crying. He was relieved that the pressure was gone.

"Congratulations Michael Porter Jr! You have a beautiful baby girl!" The nurse cheered while holding the newborn that was covered with blood and yellow fluids. They took the baby to clean them up as Nikola cuts the umbilical cord and weighing them before returning back to its mother. "Babe, where's my baby?" Mike asked where the baby was. "They're returning to you," The doctors placed the baby on Mike's bare chest crying her heart out. "What's the name of the baby?" Brooke asks. "Maxine," Mike answered holding her.

*End of Flashbacks*

Today, Maxine is going to have a special day along with her parents and her loved ones. "Happy Birthday baby," Mike holds his one year old daughter in his arms. "Happy Birthday to our little Maxine," Nikola Jokic said. Next, Mr. And Mrs. Porter threw a surprise party for their granddaughter and they surprised her with some stuffed animals and new baby clothes since Mike is planning to donate the newborn clothes to his brother Jontay who is expecting his first child with Nemanja. (Jontay is 2 months pregnant). Since it was snowing, they have to wear any warm clothing. Maxine was dressed up in his pink onesie. She have been doing well especially when it comes to the potty training and walking unless if she didn't feel like crawling, Mike would come to her and carry her.

Even the teammates including Jamal, Gary, Aaron Gordon and the head coach of the Denver Nuggets attended Maxine's first birthday. "This is the gift for you from Auntie Jamal," Jamal gave the gift to Maxine and it turns out it had the my little pony. "I hope she likes the birthday gift that Lamar, Mom and I bought for her," "Oh it's not a problem Jamal," Mike said. "Besides, she'll like it," Even Michael Malone bought the blanket for her to keep her warm. "Happy Birthday from me and my daughters Maxine," The head coach greeted her a happy birthday.

"I can't say that I'm surprised that Maxine is not a fussy baby," Mr. Porter chuckled. "Oh yeah, she takes after her mommy," Mike answered. "And she loves being in the center of attention whenever we go out to places," Many fans were amazed on how Maxine had grown into a happy baby. Mike describes that it felt like yesterday when she was growing inside her mother's belly. Not to mention, she tends to be fussy when her mommy Mike is not around or returned to the game. Somehow, Mike decided to take the part time since Maxine is still his priority.

For those who couldn't make it to Maxine's birthday due to the heavy snowfall, most of the fans decided to order the gifts online from the retail outlets and yet, Maxine had a cake that was made by Jontay himself that says: Happy 1st birthday Maxine. Her life has been filled with joy, happiness and many adventures to come. Yet, the nieces and nephews of Mike came to celebrate her birthday also.

Michael Porter Jr POV:

Nikola and I wanted to thank all my family, friends and fans for attending our daughter's first birthday and man! She's growing up so fast. It was an amazing experience making her birthday a special day. Although, I always wonder if Maxine wanted to have another sibling. Yet, I'm ready for it!

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