Chapter Twenty Four

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*Nyla's First word and birthday*

Before Nyla turns one year old,

Nikola would teach Nyla how to say Mama, but went with Meh. "Say Mama," Nikola teaches her how to say mama. "Meh," Nyla said. "It's okay baby girl, take your time," Mike tells her. When Mike goes to the backyard to get something. "Mama!" Mike heard the word coming from the kitchen. "Did she say Mama?" "Mama!" Nyla was shouting. "Mama, Mama," "Oh my goodness! My Nyla said her first word Mama," Mike holds her.

Michael Porter Jr: can't believe our baby is growing up so fast.

Nikola Jokic: I know right?

Michael Porter Jr: especially Maxine, she's a big sister to Nyla.

Maxine: Mommy are we having another sibling again?

Michael Porter Jr: Soon when Nyla turns one.

Maxine: Yay!

Although, Mike is planning to add another addition to a family in which they may be looking forward for another baby to look forward to. Without having Coban Porter to interfere. Mike knows he is going to have the best time of his life with Nikola Jokic and their two girls. Even with Jontay Porter, Janica and Nemanja. In the meantime, it felt like yesterday when Mike gave birth to another baby girl when he went in labor with Nyla.

*Nyla's 1st birthday*
March 5, 2023
Columbia, MO

The family, fans and the rest of the teammates were celebrating the 1st birthday of Nyla. Not only did Nyla get to celebrate her birthday, it's Janica's first birthday too since she was born before Nyla and yet, Jontay and Mike are looking forward to have another baby for the next few years or so. The teammates were greeting them a happy birthday.

Jamal Murray: Happy Birthday Nyla and Janica, from your aunt Jamal.

Austin Rivers: Happy birthday little girls, from Uncle Austin.

Michael Malone: Happy Birthday to you both Nyla and Janica. From Papa Mike.

Everyone was gathering for the birthday of their kids. Thus, Mike and Nikola are planning for the wedding since they have been engaged for one and a half year. However, Mike would have to ask his sister for the wedding Venue and other arrangements. Thus, Maxine would be the flower girl for her mommy Mike and Daddy Nikola's wedding and even do the alterations for Mike's wedding dress. Since Mike is still dealing with his post-pregnancy body, but he is still able to fit in to those dresses for the wedding. Maxine turned three years old last couple of months and she has had a special time in her own home with her parents and sibling.

Little did they know, Maxine sits down alongside Mike holding a one year old baby girl Nyla and her father Nikola Jokic.

Maxine: may I have your attention everyone? My mommy and daddy are going to get married in few months. My sister Nyla and I am going to be the flower girl for mommy and daddy's wedding.

Everyone was cheering knowing that Mike and Nikola Jokic are going to tie the knot. Michael Porter Jr is going to be soon to be the Jokic. Even the siblings and the parents of Mike and Nikola were excited to hear that Michael Porter Jr and Nikola Jokic are going to get married in a few months. Jevon and Jontay were very happy to hear that their brother is going to tie the knot with his teammate and longtime boyfriend Nikola Jokic. The first thing Mike would do is to do the wedding dress shopping.

Michael Porter Jr: Oh Maxie poo you surprised us with the announcement 😆😁.

Maxine: I love my mommy.

Michael Porter Jr: I love you too.

Nikola Jokic: that's why girls, I'm going to marry your mommy.

Michael Porter Jr: Yeah babe you watched too much beauty and the beast movies.

Nikola Jokic: I love the animation one though. It expresses our love for each other and for our kids.

Michael Porter Jr: Ah I can see that. Anyways, let's enjoy Nyla's first birthday.

At this time everyone in the family were looking forward for the wedding of Mike and Nikola. Jontay Porter was happy as well knowing that his older brother is going to be married to his teammate.

Jontay Porter: feels like yesterday when you first met him.

Michael Porter Jr: oh yeah it was and then me and Nikola had two kids.

Jontay Porter: I see. So hopefully we'll get pregnant at the same time

Michael Porter Jr: Jontay again 😆. Well we'll see about that.

Nyla walks to Mike and Jontay.

Jontay Porter: Happy Birthday Nyla. Your auntie loves you so much.

Jevon Porter: not only did they celebrate Nyla, it's Janica and Maxine's birthdays too.

Cierra watches Maxine, Nyla and Janica at the picnic mat and Mike joins them alongside Nikola Jokic.

Michael Porter Jr. And Nikola Jokic: The Guilt TripWhere stories live. Discover now