Chapter 1

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Hello. I'm Niall Horan. I've been sitting at home all day. This crazy,insane new next door neighbor won't leave me alone. She's always all over me. I mean, well, she's like obsessed. She's always talking about me to her mom about how I'd be an amazing boyfriend, and she writes about me in her diary. It could be about whatever, which scares me.

Which remindes me. My mum had scedudled her to come over around 3pm. It's about time. I'm ready to just.. Die now..

I then heard a sudden doorbell.


She's here.


I opened the door and there she was. Wearing a weird outfit, with a ponytail up. Dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

"Hi, niall." She mumbled.

"Hi, Claire.'' I replied, letting her in.

"I like your house. It's very well decorated." She said looking around.

"Thank you."

..she's boring..

She sat down, and offered me a seat. I refused at first but she kept offering. I finally took the seat. She kept tryin to scoot next to me, and trying to cuddle me.

"Can you.. Not do that, Claire?" I muttered and stood up.

"I'm sorry." She said looking as guilty as if she just robbed a bank.

I stood there for awhile. Very very awkward silence after that.

"Niall?" She asked, looking up at me.

What could it be now?

"Yeah, Claire? What do you need?"

"Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked me with a lot of enthusiasm.

Is it really that easy got a girl to ask a guy out? When guys ask girls out, it takes a lot of time. For her, it's just there.

"Look, Claire.. You see.. Well.." I began. I couldn't find the words.

She looked down in disappointment.

"Niall. If you don't want to be my boyfriend.. Just say so.. I want to know the full truth." She murmured loud enough for me to hear.

I really don't want to be her boyfriend.. But I'll be nice..

"No, as much as I want to be your boyfriend.. I'm busy. Wait till the summer. When I'm as free as a bird. Ill date you all summer. Ill.. Ill call you my summer love."

Wait. What.

Her face was filled with joy. Here it comes.

"Aw! Niall baby! That's cute! I agree! I can't wait till the summer!" She winked. "I'll see you then!" She said running out the door.

What did I just do. I better go check the calender, to see when summer is.

I ran upstairs to my room. I made my way around all the stuff on the floor, I realized how bad I need to clean my room.

Summer is in.. A few weeks.. Better enjoy my life before Its over! Ill think of the positive things.. If there even is any.

I thought to myself for a long time. I wonder if mum can help.

I wondered back downstairs in only my boxers. My house is weird sometimes, but it's comfy!

I sat at the table with my mum while she was reading the paper.

I sat for a minute, waitin for her to notice me.

She then took a break from her paper and seen me.

"Oh, crimany! Son! Why are you in your underwear?" She joked.

"Dad does it all the time. Don't blame me, it's amazing!" I chuckled.

We both laughed for awhile then sat there for a moment.

"So, mum, can I tell you something?" I asked.

"What is is Niall?" She said, continue reading her paper.

"Well, I told Claire I'd date her all summer. But I don't know what I was saying. I don't want to date her, but I also don't want to hurt her."

She stopped reading and stared back at me.

"Niall," she started. "You need to give other people a chance. It can't be all that bad. She seems like a nice young lady." She explained to me.

"Okay, mum." I said kissing her on the forehead and heading back to my room.

That doesn't seem like the help I was looking for, but I guess she's right. I have to actually get to know this Claire girl before I start thinking about her the wrong way.


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