Chapter 4

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Last night was just weird. We cuddled. It was warm, and soothing. Yet weird.

I'm still not pushing myself enough to see her, in a way that I'd like her.


I got up and combed out my hair, then gelled it up, like usual. Then I got dressed, yep, I seem to be starting the day normal.

I went to my phone and dialed Ash's number.

"Hello?" Ash's voice sounded weak.

"Hey, what are you doin'?" I asked.

"Nothing, why? What's up?"

"Want to chill today? Just me and you?"

"Sure, I have to get ready first, I'm still not ready."

"Okay, text me when you're done."

"Alright." Ash said, before hanging up.

I set my phone down and headed down stairs. I skipped out on breakfast, for the first time. I've just thinking to much to eat.

I heard a faint knock at the door. I had a feeling by how they were knocking it was Claire.

I walked up to the door.

"Who is it?" I asked, waiting for a reply.

"Claire, your girlfriend."

"Okay! Hold on."

I hesitated to open the door, then finally I flung it open.

I seen Ash sitting there.

"Niall!" He laughed. "What took you so long to answer the door? Would you really do that if it was Claire?"

Oh phew! It was only Ash, tricking me.

"Yeah." I chuckled, letting him in.

"So, what happened after I left? I seen you two holding hands." He smirked at me.

"She forced me t-"

"Oh blah! It was you! Don't lie!" He stopped me, joking around.

I laughed for a second but then got serious again. "No, really though."

"That sucks man, I'm sorry." He said, staring at me.

"It's okay, my mom told me it only gets better. That's a good thing." I said, sarcastically.

"Let's go to the skatepark, now!" He said dropping his phone, and picking it back up off the floor.

"Why?" I questioned him.

"Tran said there was a hot girl there! He's never seen her before, or knows her name, but what I heard is she is a total babe! Come on Niall!" He said, rushing out the door.

"Okay, I'm down for it." I replied, slipping my shoes on and following him.

I lived about two blocks away, but Ash lives right next to it.

"Tran!" Ash said, approaching him.

"Ash!" He said doing a weird handshake that they had made up together.

I turned away. I don't like Tran, at all. He bullied me in 6th grade. And when I said the word 'bullied' I mean it. He punched,kicked, and slapped me all the time, and also called me names. When 6th grade year ended we never seen eachother, and haven't ever since. I don't know if I like being here, after all.

"Niall? Niall... Horan?" Tran's voice was heard from behind.

I turned my head and seen him standing there. I folded my arms.

"That's me." I mumbled.

"You have a lot of nerve showing yourself to me. Seeing your face makes me sick." He grunted.

I stared for a minute, hesitating to say anything. Then I turned back around, facing the other direction.

It was silent, then Ash broke it:

"Where's the babe?" He asked, looking around.

"Over there!" Tran pointed to a girl.

I looked to see who they were pointing at. Wow, she is a babe! She then turned around my way and I got a good look at her face.

Oh my god! It's Claire!

"Niall?" She said, making sure it was me standing there.

"Yeah, it's me!" I shouted for across the skate park.

She walked over and hugged me, and I hugged her back. Hoping that Tran was jealous by now.

"What?" Tran's voice sounded light.

I smirked when I heard his confused voice.

"You look beautiful, Claire." I complimented her.

"Awh, thanks Niall. You're sweet." She said, hugging me tighter.

We sat there for another minute, then released.

"I have to go, my family's going out to eat at Nando's. It's my favorite place." She said, lightly.

"That's my favorite place too!" I agreed.

She chuckled. "We will have to go there some time together.

"We sure do."

"Well. Bye Niall, i'll talk to you later." She said, giving me one last hug.

"Bye." I replied.

After she left, everything was quiet. I turned to Tran and he was walking up to me, with a shocked look.

"Listen here pal," he started. "That girl, isn't into you. No one is. You're ugly!" He shouted, pushing me to the ground.

My back cracked, it was painful.

I turned to my side, cringing in pain. He then kicked my back again, and it snapped.

Ash had already left. He left around the time Claire did. He left me..

"Don't you ever, touch her again!" He said, running away.

I laid there, tears in my eyes from the pain.

I slowly reached in my pocket for my phone. I grabbed it and dialed my mum's number.

"Hello?" She sounded cheerful.

"M-mum? C-come g-get me.." I paused. "I-I'm at the skate p-park."

"Niall! I'm on my way!" She said, hanging up.


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