Chapter 22

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Sorry this took so long. I've been behind on this one, since i'm writing my newest one  Behind the Hidden Face. Be sure to check it out when you have time! Thank you so much for reading this, next chapter is the last. Keep reading! I love you.xx -Jenny


I looked all around. The stench of this closet filled my nose. Nothing but black. My hands, my legs, my mouth.. All tied. I banged my head on the door in front of me a few times, trying the pop it open. I hit m head on it to many times. My fore head developed a cut, i could feel the blood seeping from it.

Then the door swung open, i was fallen head first onto the hardwood floor.

"Get up." The man said, pulling my hair and dragging me on the bed next to Clair.

I grunted in pain, since my back is still recovering. I looked up. I mumbled to him, the words wouldn't come out. My mouth was blocked by a dirty cloth.

"It's over!" Harry said, jumping in the window and pinning Tran to the wall.

The rest of the boys hopped in, too. They helped uniting me, then Claire. She was cut up, her face pale.

"Are you okay, Niall?" Liam asked, helping me up off the bed.

"'I'm fine, what about Claire?" I said, tears forming.

"You're sick!" Harry said, screaming in Tran's face.

"I don't know. Niall." Louis said, carrying her bridal style.

"Come on! Let's get out of here before we get hurt." Zayn called out.

"Niall, you have cuts." Liam said, rubbing over my forehead.

"I know." I said, climbing out the window and heading over next door onto the lawn of my house.

The boys followed. Louis set Claire on the green grass. We all desperately watched her, waiting for her to open her eyes.

We all looked up, cops surrounded Claire's house. My question is, Where's her parents?

"Harry!" Louis cried.

Gunshot was heard.

We all gasped, praying.


I fell to the ground, i held the spot on my chest from the bullet wound.

"Pathetic." Tran said, kicking my side.

"You-You'll.." I said, not finding the words.

"Good night." Tran said, hitting my harshly in the head with his foot.My vision started faded. Soon enough, it was dark.


"Louis, stop! He's fine, he's Harry!" Zayn said, rubbing his back.

My knees are getting weak. Why does this have to happen.

"HARRY!" Louis yelled.

We all looked up, harry being pulling out of the house and into the ambulance.

We all ran over there, Zayn staying with Claire.

"Whoa, where do you think you're going?" A police officer said, stopping us.

"Harry! HARRY! ARE YOU OKAY? PLEASE SAY SOMETHING!" Louis shouted, hoping for a reply.

"The curly boy, what happened to him?" Liam asked the officer.

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