Chapter 17

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I woke up the next day, I slowly sat up trying not to wake Claire. I grabbed my phone and checked the time. 8am. Also I had 4 new messages from Ash. I don't know whats going on, yesterday he said 'hey' but now it's: 'kill yourself', 'ugly', 'low life' , "loser". He must've heard more crap about me, that isn't true, from Tran. I just deleted the messages. I got up and seen Louis, Harry and Liam gone. I wandered down the stairs, smelled like pancakes. Yum. I sat at the table.

"Morning Niall." Liam smiled to me, setting plates at the table.

"Morning." I replied.

"How many?" Louis asked me.

"Three, please." I smiled.

Louis walked over and smacked three perfectly made pancakes on my plate, stabbing a fork in the middle of it. Harry came by and set the syrup and butter in the middle.

"Thanks." I said.

They nodded as I dug into my pancakes. Everyone else set up their plates and ate along with me. After we finished we put everything back and planted ourselves on the couch.

"I'm stuffed." Harry said.

"Me too." Louis and Liam agreed.

"I'd go for another round." I laughed.

I switched on the tv. We sat for an hour and a half watching x-factor. Claire came down, looking very sleepy.

"What time is it?" She mumbled, sitting next to me.

"10am." Liam said.

"Wow," she yawned, "I'm still tired."

"Where's Zayn?" Harry asked.

"He's crashed upstairs still." Claire said.

"Yeah, I heard he can sleep forever." I laughed.

"Let's go wake him." Liam suggested.

"Alright." Louis said, standing up and stretching.

We all went up into my room, seeing Zayn lying there, mouth open. I could help but to laugh quietly.

"Shh!" Louis whispered.

"Sorry." I whispered back.

"On three, yell 'Zayn wake up!' And I'll splash this water on him when he jumps up." Louis explained, showing us the half full bucket of water.

We gave him a thumbs up.

"1.. 2.....," He paused for a second, "3!"

"Zayn, wake up!" We all yelled.

"Ah, what the-" Zayn shouted.

As soon as he sat up Louis dumped the water on him. We all laughed and ran down the stairs, jumping back onto the couch. Zayn ran down the stairs after us.

"Whoa, what happened to you?" Louis joked.

"Ha, ha. Very funny." Zayn said, sarcastically. He was soaked with water.

We all laughed.

"Go dry off outside," I said, "you're leaving a trail."

He sighed and went outside.

"I'm gonna go get dressed." I said.

"Okay." Liam said.

I smiled and went to the steps, half way up them and I slipped on some water Zayn left behind. I fell backwards on my back, falling all the way down.

"What was that?" Louis said, turning around.

"Oh my gosh, Niall!" Claire yelled, running over to me.

I laid at the bottom of the steps, cringing in pain. I landed on my back three times before I hit the bottom.

"Is your back feeling okay?" She asked in alarm.

All the boys watch from the couch, concerned.

I shook my head. It's hurts so bad, it's hard to talk. Zayn walked back in.

"What happened?" He asked, stopping by the door.

"He slipped on your water trail and fell down the stairs." Claire said.

"Oh my gosh! I'm sorry." He said.

"It-it's fine." I mumbled.

"Hospital?" Louis asked.

"Yes, call an ambulance." Claire said.

I laid there, holding my back. Louis dialed the number.

"Yeah, he fell down the stairs. He already had a broken back before. Yeah. Okay. Bye babe."

"They coming?" Claire asked.

"Yeah, they'll be here any minute." Louis said, setting the phone down.


After 10 minutes of waiting, they finally got here. The men rushed into my house, putting me in a stretcher. They strapped me in and placed me into the back of the ambulance car.

"Where's your mom?" A nurse asked, holding my hand.

It's hard to talk, breathe, and keep my eyes open.

"W-wor-k." I mumbled.

"Work?" She mimicked me.

I nodded. I closed my eyes, falling asleep instantly.


Sorry this chapter was so short! Hope you like it though~


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