Chapter 8

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I woke up.

Oh my god! It was a dream.

I was still in Claire's room. I slowly sat up and thankfully, I had my clothes on this time!

I slowly crept out, trying not to wake her. I kissed her on the forehead, and headed out the window. I went across the soft grass and headed through my door. My mum was in the kitchen. I hope she didn't hear me open the door, and also notice that I was gone all night. It was about 1O:OO A.m.

"Niall? Is that you I hear?" She asked from the kitchen.

"Yeah, mum." I replied, holding my breath.

I hope she doesn't say anything about me being gone..

"What are you doing, hun?" She asked, coming aroud the corner.

I stopped going up the steps.

"Oh, just going back to my room. I used the rest room." I said, looking right at her.

She gave me a look.

"Why didn't you use your bathroom? You have your own."

"I was already down here, don't remember what I was doing, and used the bathroom down here instead."

What the heck am I saying?

She looked at me and laughed. "Okay, then." She went back into the kitchen, cooking breakfast still.

Close one.

I went back up to my room and flipped on the t.v.

The news was on.

I sat down on my bed, and layed there in my boxers. There was nothing else to do, since my back was broken. I sat there, enjoying the News. Which in my mind was seriously boring. I listened to the "Breaking News" man. I think his name was Liam.. I don't remember his last name. It starts with a P.. I know that much. I think it was Payne.

"Breaking news!" He screamed. "There's a killer loose!" he continued. I started thinking. They showed a hard to see picture of him. It's weird, it looks kinda just like the guy in my dream. He goes by the name of Harry Styles.. Hmph.. This is weird, my dream won't be real.. will it?

I continued watching until he went off air. I looked around. I texted my mom every detail, since i couldn't really start walking around. She was texting my back stuff like:

"Oh my god, that's horrible! I hope we will stay safe, only god knows. xx"

So on and so forth. I tried not thinking to bad about it, if I did then i'd become crazy about it.

I layed down for a minute then my phone vibrated. A text from Claire.

"I seen you left. I had a fun time last night, being able to lay next to you. Also did you hear about the killer? All of us are going on lock down. It's scary. I alsoooo hopee you start feeling better ;) Love you lots!! xx"

I smiled at the text, but locked my phone and set it down. I laid down for awhile until I noticed my hair hasn't been washed for a few days. I sighed. I went up into the bathroom and turned the water on warm. I took the wrap off of me and looked at my back in the mirror. It was bad. I sighed at the sight of my aching back. I scooted my boxers off and went into the warm shower. The whole time I was thinking why Tran still isn't over the stupid drama in 6th grade. It's insane to think he'd hurt me like that, to things that happened 3-4 years ago. I stopped and grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it in my hair. I then suddenly heard a loud thud below, and my mum's terrified scream seconds after. I panicked and got out, wrapping the towel around my waist and rushing downstairs, knife in hand.

"What's going on!?" I asked, pointing the knife around.

I mum started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I snapped.

"I just dropped the pan on accident." She chuckled.


I sighed in stupidity, mainly because I was wet and shampoo in my hair. I thought the killer was inside. God, it hurt my back rushing down the stairs so fast like that.

I slowly went back up and continued my hot shower.

After I felt good as new!

I put my wrap back on and went back to take a nap. The movie "Titanic" turned on. It always remind me of that one night.. Oh well. I laid down, falling asleep a few minutes later.


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