Chapter 21

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I can't get over it. It's been nearly 3 days since I got the news. The news that Ash was dead. It's been running through my head day and night. All I think is all the things we've been together, and I was to late to fix it. Like I was supposed to know Harry was actually going to kill him? Maybe I should've expected it, since Harry gets pissed easy, and he has killed men before. Ugh. Ash is dead. Ash is DEAD. He's DEAD. He's only 16! It was stupid drama, because of me! If anyone should've died it should've been m---- 

"Knock knock," Harry repeated, opening my bedroom door, "You alright? I havn't seen you since.." 

"Since you killed Ash?" I mumbled, "You really killed him?" 

Harry stayed silent, but nodded. 

"Niall, it's not exactly what you thi--" 

"What do you mean, 'not exactly what I think'? You killed the kid. He's only one year older than you Harry. We could've gotten over it. You just had to go right ahead and just kill him? 

"Niall shut up. Let me speak," Harry shot a death look to me. "Listen. Moments after you tackled me, and I ran off, I seen them at the skate park. The same place Tran broke your back. I went up to his face and kinda told him off, then tried sorting it out. They just wanted me to kill you. Not just hurt, KILL. I refused, then he took a hard punch at my face, and side. I had no other choice than to take out my knife, and stab. Right into the heart. I didn't think I hit it perfectly were it was. I look down, moving my hair out of my face, and there he lay. Dead. Tran ran away before I could even say anything to what I just did. I took the knife out of him, my hands were covered in blood. I regret it, Niall. I knew how much he meant, but that wouldn't matter to him. He wanted to kill you. Don't you think that it's better the other way?" 

"Not right now, I want to die." I mumbled. 

"Niall, stop. I'm being serious, don't you think that it's better the other way?" He repeated. 

I shot a mini-glare at him. He stared back. 

"Yeah," I agreed. "What did you do with his body?" 

"I disposed it, don't worry about it."  

I shot a look to the ground, digging my face in my hands. I was letting out little whimpers, from my crying.Why the heck am I crying in front of Harry? He probably think's I'm a baby or- 

"Come here," Harry said, holding his arms out. "This isn't gay, come." 

I smiled, then frown again. He hugged me, as I cried into his shirt. 

"I know what it's like to loose a friend this way," He whimpered, "I'm sorry I'm such an idiot." 

I looked up at him, "Harry, you did what's best. For me," I smiled. "Thank you." 

He smiled back, and I sat up again. 

"Please, never bring this up again," I mumbled. "Amazing memories still haunt my head. I can't stop at one minute to think about it. Just as long as I learn to forget, and make amazing more memories, with you boys, to replace it." 

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. Maybe he's right, it's not what I think. It was what's best.  

"So," Harry coughed, "have you talked to Claire?" 

"Uh," I mumbled, "no." 

He stared. "Why? Go now." 

I thought about it. "Okay." 

I walked down the stairs and slipped some shoes on, and walking out the door. Harry trailed behind me. I walked next door, and stepped up to the door. I took a deep breath, ready to knock. Right when I was about to, Harry stopped me. 

"Wait!" Harry said. 

I stopped, giving him a confused look.  

"You don't just come to a girls house without flowers." Harry smiled.  

I looked around, picking a small dandelion on the grass.  

"No!" Harry snapped, slapping it out of my hands. "Flower shop.''

I smiled at his stupidity. We both walked a block and a half to the shop. It looked just like a tiny shack, but they had the best flowers in town. We opened the tiny door, and right before our eyes were dozens of beautifully colored flowers. Me and Harry searched a few minutes for the perfect bunch. We finally found it, 7 bright blue and yellow patterned flowers. I grabbed them from the shelf, handing them to Harry.

"Oh, for me?" Harry joked.

I laughed as we walked up to the clerk. She snagged them from Harry and scanned them.

"Watch it, lady." He murmured.

She rolled her eyes, "£7.99."

I stared, then pulled out my wallet.

"Here," I said, handing her £10. "Keep the change.

She nodded as me and Harry walked out of the shack. We made our way back to Claire's. I took a deep breath, staring back at Harry. He nodded to me. I knocked about three times before I heard the sound of feet coming this way. The door swung open. A man dressed in all black knocked the flowers out of my hand, and pulled me in, leaving Harry outside. I got in and he pulled me into Claire's room, where she was tied up on her bed, crying. The man shoved me into the closet, tying me up. He closed the closet door. Seconds later the faint voice of Claire was screaming bloody murder. Why can't I do anything. What's even going on?

•**HARRY'S P.O.V.**•

The door slammed and locked after helpless Niall was pulled in. I banged on the door, not worrying about the crushed flowers beneath me. Nothing was working. I heard screaming, and crying. I went to the bedroom window and peaked in. I punched the glass window in. I jumped in, Claire was naked. I tried not to look, I focused on the man that was also naked with her. Trembling at the sight of his face. It was Tran.  


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