Chapter 18

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I woke up. I was in a hospital bed. I had another wrap around me. I was connected to a heart monitor. A nursed walked through the door, she smiled at me.

"Feeling okay, Mr. Horan?" She said.

"Yeah, thank you." I smiled.

She smiled back and went out of the room. Claire and the rest of the boys walked in. I had no shirt on.

"Hey bud, you alright?" Zayn said, "I'm sorry you slipped."

"I'm fine, and it's okay." I smiled to him.

They all stood by me, Claire took my hand.

"You need to be more careful." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry. I thought I was okay enough to do things on my own. I'm not disabled though, you don't need to help my every move." I said.

They frowned. The nurse came back in, disconnecting me from the heart monitor.

"You're good to go, please be more careful Mr. Horan." She said.

I nodded as the boys helped me out of the bed. Claire tossed me my shirt. I slipped it on and we went down to my mum's car, which was waiting for us outside. They put me in the passenger seat. They crawled into the back. We all put our seatbelt on. It was about a 10 minute ride back down to my house. The whole ride nobody said anything. When we reached my house they helped me inside, placing me on the couch. They all sat next to me.

"So?" Harry said.

"What?" Louis stared at him.

"What are we supposed to do now?" Harry mumbled back to him.

They talked for awhile. I grabbed my phone and checked it. Message from Ash.

"I heard you're in the hospital. Did you die?:))"

I frowned. I thought he was my best friend. I have to lighten up. I have 4 new friends, and a girlfriend that cares for me. It's hard to throw away all the memories we used to have together. I sighed. I put my phone down, and glanced over at the boys. They were all taking about something to do, still.

"I have some money, we could go get something at Nando's." Zayn said, "but probably not enough for all six of us."

"I could ask my mum for her credit card." I said.

"That sounds good." Claire smiled.

She helped me up, I got it from there. I walked into her room. She laid on her bed, her nose in a book.

"Mum?" I chucked.

She woke up, an took the book off her face.

"Oh, that's embarressing," she laughed, "I forgot I was reading this."

I laughed. "Can I use your credit card to take the boys and Claire out for dinner?"

"Yeah, don't spend to much," she said, "it's in my purse on the counter. In the kitchen."

"Thank you." I said kissing her and leaving, closing the door behind me.

I wandered slowly into the kitchen. I grabbed her purse, searching for her wallet. When I found it I took it out, opening it. I took the credit card out and put the wallet back in. I went back into the living room.

"Got it." I smiled.

"Nice!" Louis laughed.

"Let's go," Zayn said, "I'm starving."

I smiled and nodded. We all headed out the door, walking to Nando's. Which wasn't that far.


We're here. We walked in, Louis look around and waved to the upcoming waiter.

"Hey Louis." Eleanor said.

"Hey, El. I didn't know you worked here." He smiled.

"I do, now." She laughed. "Follow me to your table of six."

He laughed, and we all followed her to the table. We sat down, on my right was Claire and left was Harry.

"Drinks?" Eleanor said, taking out her notepad and pen.

"Coke." We all agreed.

"Mine with lemon slice, please." Claire smiled.

He wrote it all down. "Okay, I'll be back in a second."

"Louis, you look happy. It's because you can be able to see 'el'. Isn't it?" Harry smirked.

"What? No." He blushed.

"Awh, he's blushing!" Zayn yelled.

"Shut up, shut up!" Louis whispered.

"Hey el! You're gorgeous!" Liam yelled.

We all turned away, making it look like Louis said it. He turned to her and smiled. She turned away again, filling the drinks.

"What's your problem?" Louis whispered.

"You told me you wanted Eleanor to be your girlfriend. The time we were at the park, on the swings. Remember?" Liam said.

"Yeah," Louis turned his eyes to his lap, "I'm asking her out tonight."

"What!" Harry snapped. "What about us?"

Louis laughed. "I'll never forget about you, curly."

Harry smiled and patted Louis on his back.

"Here're your drinks." Eleanor smiled, setting the drinks in front of us.

"Thanks beautiful." Louis smiled.

She blushed. "What can I get for you guys?"

We searched on the menu a little longer, then finally told her what we wanted. She wrote it down and took it into the kitchen.

"Happy Louis." Harry said, putting his arm around him.

"Very happy Louis." Louis laughed.


After about ten minutes of meaningless talking about random

things, our food arrived. A big smirk spread on all of our faces.

"Finally!" Zayn said, under his breath.

No one else said anything. The waiter that have us our food wasn't Eleanor, it was someone else.

We all dug into our food. We talked and ate all at the same time. After 20-30 minutes we were all finished. Eleanor came back, with our check.

"Credit card." I said.

"Come to the cash register." She smiled to me.

We followed her to the front desk. She swiped the card and handed it back.

"Thanks, come again." She laughed as we went out the door.

"Egh," Zayn moaned, "I don't want to walk. I'm to full."

"Suck it up." I laughed, putting my hand on his shoulder.

He didn't say anything, we all just continued walking.


"Thanks for staying you guys." I said as the boys left the house.

"We're for sure doing this again." Louis smiled.

I smiled back and closed the door. Me and Claire headed up to my room.

"All that food made me tired." Claire said, plopping onto the couch.

"Oh, me too." I sighed, laying in my bed.

It was silent, after five minutes of staring into space, I fell asleep. Claire was already sleeping. It was only 7pm, this is the earliest I've ever slept before.


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