Chapter 2

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"Ready for your last week of school?" My mum said handing me my backpack.

"Not really." I muttered and turned away.

"It's because of the whole Claire thing.. Isn't is Niall?" She replied turning to me.

"Yes, mum. It's kinda harder to take than you think." I said, not knowing exactly what I was saying.

"Remember what I said last night Niall? Have you put any thought into that at all?"

"Yes, mum, I did." I said, leaving out the door.


She's in my grade, but she hasn't transferred since there is no reason to go with only one week left.

I've told my best friend Ash about this. He's always there for me when I need help. He couldn't fix this, even when he tried it didn't work. He tried talking Claire out of it, but she refused. Ill just have to face what's coming to me.. I guess.

"Are you okay?" Ash asked me with a confused look on his face.

"What? Me? Oh. Yeah, what makes you think that?" I asked in shock.

"You've just been staring at your food for about 2O minutes Niall. That's not like you, and I know you! ... Is it Claire?"

"Yeah.. I'm just thinking.. About.. How my summer would be different without her. I'd be doing something better then being trapped." I said, still thinking.

"Bro. Don't let it get to you, you'll be fine. It's not like she's going to kill you, or ruin your life. ....I hope." He said, chuckling.

"You're right." I chuckled with him, then started eating.


I was walking home from school when I heard Claire's voice. It was from behind. I couldn't really understand what she was saying, but then she repeated it:


I turned around and there she was. She was wearing a nice floral dress. Her hair was up.


She doesn't look bad. She looks kinda.. Cute.

Wait what am I saying. It's only going to last today.. I think.

"Oh, um. Hey Claire." I replied urgently.

"How was school for you today?"


"Well, that's fun."

Things were getting awkward.

We both sat there for a minute, not knowing what to say. I then just turned around and walked into my house.

I tossed my heavy bag onto the couch and went upstairs to my room. I jumping into the bed and lied there for a minute. My whole mind was blank. I then started thinking.. 4 more days until I'm unfree.

I slowly got up and checked my phone. I missed a call from Claire 45 minutes ago. Have a really been laying here that long? It's felt like 5 minutes.

I stood up and slowly went down the stairs. I stopped when I heard my mum talking. I peeked into the living room to whitness my mum and Claire both sitting there, enjoying a glass of tea. I couldn't understand what they were saying. It took me a minute to decide to walk closer. I seemed to have walked a little to much closer. Claire looked over and seen me. She waved. She looked down by my legs and bit her lip. Her eyes got huge. My mum then turned around too, and she was staring at me. I looked down and I was in my boxers. I noticed I was and I ran back to my room. This is embarrassing. She got a picture of me! Oh great, my fault for roaming my house with no pants or shirt on..

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