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Written by: FIRST OWNER

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ───────── ✩ ───────── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Labyrinth - ⤵
Miracle music
0:47 ──•────── -2:31
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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I ran to the window and opened it, I had a plan to get out the house. Just then, I forgot I was in New York and thought I was back in England - Jumping off the eighth floor wouldn't be the brightest idea I had, and I'm not taking the risk of dying.

"He was last seen here!"
I hear a muffled voice from the other side of the door, my anxiety rose as I stood by the window, procrastinating if I should go for the leap of faith - who am I kidding? I'm not a fucking superhero.
Superhero? Why does that seem familiar?

"Well, you better find him, if Spider-Man isn't here, then whoever is knows."
Spiderman? SPIDERMAN! Surely he'd help, right?
I search all around my bedroom for a weapon of some sort, there was a metal railing from the wardrobe which I broke off and held it near my chest. My breathing started to steady as I took deep breaths.

Thuds could be heard from all around the apartment, was this how all new people were welcomed?

I slowly move the chair and hold the metal tightly in my hand. I twist the door handle as I pull it open. No ones in sight, yet. My palms begin to sweat as the metal slowly slips from my grasp, landing on the floor with a loud *clang*

"Aye, what was that?"

I hear running in my direction, I dash into the bathroom, trying not to be seen.
"Scrap metal?"
"Who would be stupid enough to use that?"
"A girl, surely"
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at their sexist comment.

There was another bang and footsteps leading away. A sound of a window opening and closing could be heard. I quickly got out from the bathroom with a bottle of aftersun in my hand. It stings, so maybe I could squeeze it in their eyes? I dunno, it was the first thing I grabbed.

I leant against the wall, my heart pounding as if it was going to leap out my chest and land on the floor.

I ran into the living room, but everything looked the same. The window was slightly open, but other then that, it was normal. I knew it still wasn't 100% safe.

I went back to my room and barricaded the door with a chair as I did not too long ago, and closed the window, making sure to lock it. All the lights were out as I flopped onto the bed. My hand fell to the other side of the bed, as if to feel a presence. Nothing. Just empty space. I sighed, feeling tense as I kept thinking there was someone in the apartment. I brushed off the feeling as my eyes felt heavy and finally closed.

{ time skip }

My eyes opened slowly as I stretched my limbs. My back cracked in several places which lead a pleasurable sigh to escape from my lips. I took my phone off charge and looked at the time.

Saturday 16 July

12 Missed calls - Harley🫶
1,079 new messages - Harley🫶

I blinked a few times. Then I forgot that I was in a different time zone, hence the hour difference. I um locked my phone and called back Harley.

"There's a time difference, it's 10am for me. Anyways, I'm fine, I think. I think someone broke in last night, but they were looking for spiderman? I dunno, it's weird. I'll call you later, okay?"
"Alright, see ya dude."
"Bye mate"

I got out of bed and got Bonnie out of his vivarium. He had a small smile plastered on his face. I smiled back at him and went to the kitchen. I know it's disgusting, but I took out a dead mouse from a container I kept in the cupboard - the smell was rancid, but I gave it to Bonnie to eat. They can only eat rodents.

Once the smell had drifted, I made a bowl of cereal for breakfast - cinnamon toast crunch is top tier if you ask me. I sat down on the couch and turned on the tv. Just as i was looking for something to watch, the news came on.

"NEWS JUST IN! Hi, I'm Marie Shaw!"
"And I'm Justin Murray!"
"Just last night, footage of the infamous Spider-Man entering an apartment complex spread across the media,"
"Could the superhero have a lover?"
"Reports state that a new British associate had just moved in,"
The picture goes from spider-punk, to showing me, collapsed on the floor and the guy who helped me with my bags. This cannot be happening.
"And a while after he had left, a group of people were spotted breaking in, and as the place has security cameras installed, they were able to capture this footage!"

The camera showed me with the scrap metal, it slipping from my hand and running as a group of large, built men ran down the hall. You've got to be kidding me..

"Could this group be Spider-Man's newest nemesis? Now, off to Boe Forenza for the weather!"

In utter disbelief, I put down the bowl of mushed up cinnamon toast crunch and turned off the TV. I rubbed my face and made my way back to my room. I got dressed; I wore a plain white vest top, grey joggers and white trainers. My hair was out up with a black claw-clip. Before I left, I put Bonnie back in his vivarium, making sure to keep the light on. I put on my sun glasses and exited the apartment.

Somehow, I need to avoid everyone. I mean why would the news dox someone? Is this a normal thing??

𝚁𝚎𝚋𝚎𝚕 𝙰𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚑𝚗𝚒𝚍 || 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚙𝚞𝚗𝚔 𝚇 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛Where stories live. Discover now