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I studied his face for a bit longer. Two piercings above the eyebrow, industrial on one ear, helix on the other, a nose piercing on the right nostril and - the two standard ear piercings. He also had a lip piercing, on the left side of his mouth. His hair was immaculate and iconic, as well as choker and jacket - punk rock style, matches his name. 

He seemed so familiar, yet i couldn't pin point it. I felt his eyes on me. I looked at him as he gave me a confused look.
"You good there, L/N? You look as dopey as the day you moved in,"

Then it clicked.
"Wait wait wait... you're Hobie??"

"The one and only."
"Bro your literally- I smoked with you- you saw me fall on the stairs. how aren't you embarrassed to be with me?,"
"you're one of the guys in this city that isn't a dickhead. Plus, kinda have to now you're my 'partner'"

His air quotes made it painfully obvious he hated the idea as much as I did. Saving the city and shit? That's effort. Now, don't get me wrong, it's cool in all, but I don't wanna die. Not yet anyways.

"I thought having these spider things would just be for shits and giggles but I guess not."
"Eh, you'll get used to it. Just- don't try to pick up uhh, how do I put this without sounding like a knobhead?"

He paused. "An overweight person- or someone who's on a mobility scooter,"
I blinked "I'm a bit useless then, aren't I?"
"Ish yeah."
"You weren't supposed to agree with that"
"Oh? uhh.. nah, your good,"

╭── ⋅ ⋅ ───────── ✩ ───────── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮

Are we still friends?-⤵
Tyler, the creator

3:09 ─●──────── -4:24
↻      ◁ II ▷     ↺

─── ⋅ ⋅ ───────── ✩ ───────── ⋅ ⋅ ───

We sat in silence for a bit before my phone buzzed.
"Oh my god.."
I stood up and answered.
"Harley? Shit I'm so sorry I haven't called you- a lots been going on and I haven't had the time."

"it's finee, don't worry about it. now open up,"
My eyes widen. Hobie smiled at me.

I ran to the door and unlocked it, Harley hung up as it swung open.

She wore the biggest smile on her face as she hugged me.

"I haven't seen you in ages oh my god!"
She looked over at the window.
"Hi Hobie!"

I Hug her tightly, not wanting to let go.

«don't say goodbye, smell you laterrr»

"Hold on, how do you know Hobie?"

"From the whole news thing. Girl, I wanted to see if you were okay because you weren't answering my calls. I thought he looked familiar. I did some digging, found some theories about Spider-punk and the whole web thing, and then remembered he's Spider-punk - I bought weed off him at some point and he came to England with the web shooters - so he explained it to me, and I was like ohhh but can I still get high?"

She waffled on for a bit.. but to sum it up, she brought weed off him and he came to England with his web shooters. She recognised him and realised she still had his number and contacted him that way. They organised this whole thing.

I looked over at him and smiled. I could have sworn he went slightly red - I'm assuming out of embarrassment. He covered his mouth and looked away. Harley gave him a smug look.

"Well, where are you staying?"
"The room next to yours!!"
I hugged her again.
"It feels like we're back home..."
I smiled. My eyes welled up at her familiar smell. I sobbed into her shoulder.
"I missed you so much,"
She breathing hitched as she also began to sob.
"I missed you too,"

After a while, Hobie cleared his throat.
"Uhh, sorry to interrupt this heartfelt moment, but theres something she needs to show you,"

"Oh, right. How do I do it again?"
"Aww, it feels like I'm in show and te-"

Just then, webs shot against the wall and I was pulled with them- instantly splatting against the wall.


I groaned as I sat up.
"That's gunna take getting used to..."


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