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I rub my temples, sitting down at the kitchen table. "So.. how long is this gunna take to get used to?"
"I'm shocked you haven't already."

He pours the water from the kettle into the mug, paying attention to the precise time the teabag sits for.

"Well.." I look over at Harley. "How long have you known Harley for?"

Hobbies face was glued to the cup, he slowly took out the teabag. "Sorry, what were you saying?" He said while adding milk to the mug, slowly turning the spoon like you've just told a middle aged mother one of your juiciest secrets.

"I- uh.. i asked how long you've known Harley for."

He slowly walks the Cup over to me, putting it on a placemat in-front of me, turning around as I scoffed. "Jesus- dude? What's so precious about tea?"

I swear, he looked like one of those owls the way he turned so menacingly. "What.did.you.say.?" I shit you not, I instantly got the chills. There was not a thought behind his eyes except tea.

"The importance of tea? Your BRITISH and you don't know the IMPORTANCE OF TEA?" Each time he said a word louder he got even closer to me. By the time he stopped talking, he was practically touching foreheads with me.

I blinked a few times. Intimidating? Sure, but goddamn he smelt divine. (chefs kiss) my face flushed a slight pink. "Dude.. well, tell me?" He realised how close he was and flew back.

He cleared this throat. "Well, to British, tea is everything." He started out "It's a cultural thing that we can't seem to let go of, tea is how we celebrate, tea is how we mourn someone's death. But most of all, tea is how we bring folks together." He grinned. He took a deep breath

"Tea is how we share our stories." He finished and nodded slightly.
"Your kidding, right? Surely that's not the reason why you love tea."

"Do you wanna know the real answer?" He asked, before taking a second to think

"Because it reminds me of my parents, my parents met over tea. They met at their favorite cafe and their love blossomed, and then they married and made me.

I hope to do the same one day, I hope that I can meet someone over tea, someone I love with all my heart and we can get married and have kids, I want to share my story through tea the same way my folks did." He smiled at me, he looked genuinely happy.

I sigh.

"Dude? I Dunno if your gunna meet someone over tea, maybe you'll fly into another persons apartment window and make love with them? Suck each others faces off talking about tea."

He looked down for a moment, he fiddled with his hands for a minute

"It's just a thought." He mumbled under his breath

"You wanna know something else?"

"Go ahead."

He sighed as he closed his eyes for a second, he looked comfortable and relaxed as he spoke

"I'm just glad I have someone, I don't have a lot of folks in my life and so you mean so much to me." He said his voice starting to crack.

"Dude.. don't cry.."

He looks down "I ain't- dunno what your on about,"
I get up and look at him. "Yeah, you are."
He looks at me "yeh? Well what you gunna do about it?"
I hug him.

He tenses up. "Dude? Just let me comfort you.."
Sooner or later, he pulls away. "Right okay that- was weird.."

I sit back down, my hand going to the mug. I sip the tea, my eyes lighting up - I'm lost in thought. "I take it back, I wanna be that girl-"

Hobie chokes on his tea. "WOT?"

We both looked at each other, Harley running to the kitchen.
"I heard yelling! Is everything okay?"

Judging by the look on both of our faces, it was not okay.

(They rn - 😦)

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