{ 13 }

1.9K 50 37

{Owner 1}


I walked for what seemed like decades, infinite hallways spiralled, causing me to feel dizzy. We finally reached a room. Large, metallic doors barricaded the room as the lights dimmed. I was escorted to a chair.

"Ah, Spider-punk. You actually brought them?"
"'Course. Mans don' break promises, you get me?"
The woman gave me a small smile before shining a light in my eyes. Two other people brought over some sort of restraint, tying me to the chair as I recklessly threw my body side to side.

Someone with a white glove grabbed my hand as a crowed formed around me. An oxygen mask was put on my face as I started to panic. "YOU SPIDER CUNT." He looked just as terrified as I was.
"Yo, what you doin to her?" He came closer to me and put a hand on my shoulder.
"You'll only feel a pinch."
"Nah, that's enough, let h-"

An excruciating pain spread from my arm all throughout my body. The sound of white noise filled my ears as everything went dark.

{ Time skip }


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Step on me-
The cardigans
1:14 —───●─────- 3:50
↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺

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I sat next to the bed where Y/N was Layin'. They got knocked out, cold. People were in and out the room, checkin vitals and shit. I take off the mask, too fuckin hot in this room.

My eyes don't leave her. Dunno why I feel the need to protect 'er. She don't mean nothing to me. Well, nothin to "spider-punk". To Hobie? Yeah, a mate, nuffin more, so why do I wanna protect 'er?

Shitheads from the lab came rushin' in and out before one of 'em came in with a clipboard.

"They're going to be fine. Though their powers may be limited, they can be quite helpful during attacks and such. Much like you, they have webs, but they aren't as strong. They can't stop a moving vehicle, but they can hoist up a person if need be. They are the sensitive, so they can only be used for around 1-2 hours. So make sure they use them carefully. They can stick to walls, but they're weak at the moment, and judging by physique, they won't be able to use her upper body strength to climb. I trust you'll assist them, as they will become your partner."

"Woah, woah, man don't need no sidekick. Man's solo, Aight?"
"Well, she is your partner, no?"
Shit, forgot about the news.
"Uh, yeah. But they don't need that trouble, Aight?"
"Well, make use of them. They can be helpful now they're somewhat enhanced. Their powers might develop over time, but if not, make sure they uses them carefully. Can't have anymore failed experiments."

This twat better watch his mouth before I crack his skull open. Why do I care so much? I don't know 'em. So why do I wanna fuck up this guy?

Prolly in denial.


My wrists and ankles still hurt from the restraints,
But it was somewhat bearable.

The pain from whatever they did to me stopped eventually, all I could do now was lay here and hope for the best. To the right of me is spider-punk. He looks like he's questioning things, better leave him to it. The left of me is a woman. She looks at me and continues to note things down on a clip board.

"How are you feeling?"

Spider-punk doesn't say a word, his gaze is fixated on the floor. There isn't much he can do, to be honest.
"The pain should subside soon. In the meantime, I'm sure your partner can train you."
Train me? What am I, some type of fucking pet?

Spider-punk looked down and sighed. He didn't seem happy about being forced to "train" me.
She soon left and he came over to the foot of the bed, eventually taking a seat.
"Look. This ain't the best time to say this, but it's gunna have to be said at some point."


"Now you have the spider shit, your in great danger. You could die,"

Shit... what's going to happen to me?

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