Chapter 1 - NYC

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As the flight landed at JFK, Arnav Singh Raizada looked out at another new sky. He walked out with his luggage in one hand, while browsing with his phone in the other hand. Dressed in an all-over black suit with a black tie, no one could miss the air of authority flowing around him. As he made his way out of the crowd, he looked around until his eyes came in contact with his friend, NK, waving his hand at him. He walked as a genuine smile graced his lips. As he neared him, NK ran and caught him in a brotherly hug. Not really fond of PDA, he waited for him to complete his welcoming hug. As soon as his friend looked up at him, he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh c'mon, we're meeting after two years, Arnav!"

"If you are done, can we go now? It was a long flight," said Arnav.

"Yes boss! The car is at your service, along with your dutiful friend." NK gave a mock salute, as Arnav smirked at his crazy antics and motioned him to proceed first.

The ride towards NK's house was filled with NK's long monologues and Arnav's nods and small answers. After a while, NK stopped his monologues as Arnav feel asleep, with his head resting against the windowpane.

The sun was setting by the time they finally got home. As soon as the car entered the gates, NK shook Arnav's shoulder to wake him up.

Arnav opened his eyes, blinking a couple of times to adjust his vision, he looked at NK turning off the car, and then at the mansion in front of him. The Kapoor's mansion was a magnificent mansion, built and adorned with complete perfection. A fountain greeted the visitors, while the mansion itself gave a warm welcome aura, even though it was simply an epitome of great wealth.

Arnav got down from the car, while NK was already handing the car keys to the chauffeur to park it and asked him to bring in the luggage. On the cue, Arnav spoke, "No, NK, I'll take it myself." Before NK could say anything, Arnav was already walking towards the house with his luggage. Knowing his friend's habit of doing everything by himself, NK just shrugged and walked next to him.

The Kapoors were one of the wealthiest families in New York, respected for their loyalty and straightforwardness. Vikas Kapoor, NK's father, and Angad Singh Raizada, Arnav's father, had been friends from their college days. While both men were equally successfully, they knew better than to intermix their personal lives with their professional lives. While Vikas moved to USA, Angad remained in India to continue his family business. However, their physical distances never distanced their friendship.

Vikas's wife, Manorama, had been preparing all of Arnav's favorites dishes the entire day. As soon as Arnav and NK walked into the mansion, Manorama rushed and embraced Arnav, much to his discomfort.

"Oh, Arnav, look at you all grown-up. I cannot believe you are the same boy who used to play in my lap a few years ago."

NK and Vikas struggled to suppress their laughter, as Arnav looked at NK with pleading eyes. Vikas came to Arnav's rescue and said, "Manorama, let Arnav breathe a little as well."

Manorama looked at her husband sternly, but not before pulling Arnav's cheeks mercilessly. Arnav looked at Vikas and took his blessings, while Vikas held him in a fatherly hug.

After a quick shower, Arnav joined the family in the living room after dinner. They all reminisced the old memories, while Vikas geared the conversation toward current business trends.

"Arnav, with your skills, I hope you are not going to just return to your father and help with his business only?" said Vikas

"No, Uncle Vikas. I plan on working on my own merit, which is why I have taken up a job here at IBM."

"Oh, right. What will be your position there?"

"I will be responsible for their marketing department. The first project is to train a group of interns and hire selected few to become staff at IBM. I will probably even move out of here in a few days as things settle at work."

Manorama interrupted, "This won't do, son. You are just like NK for us. You have to continue to stay with us. Anyhow, it's also your age to be married now. Should I set you up on a blind-date with one of my friends' daughters?"

Arnav grimaced at the very mention of marriage, while only NK caught his expression.

NK teased Arnav even further, "Mom, you never know. Maybe Arnav already has a girlfriend." Arnav gave a disapproving glare to NK, while he looked back at his aunt and said, "I am not planning on being married for a while, Aunt, but I will surely let you know if I ever need any help."

Arnav excused himself and wished everyone goodnight, as he left the family to continue their chatter.

Somewhere in NYC at the same time...

What should I do? What if they don't like me? No, Khushi, think positively. But it's my first job! Well, it's an intership really, won't even be a job until and if I get hired. Oh, what should I wear?

Khushi's mind buzzed around with her thoughts, as she laid out multiple outfits to select from for her first day. Her older sister, Payal, continued reading her novel, while she kept looking at Khushi slyly.

Both sisters were best friends as well, having shared everything with each other always. Payal was the mature one, who spoke little and acted responsibly, while Khushi was the childish one, who spoke too much but always brightened everyone wherever she went. However, while Payal could share every single thing with her, Khushi had never shared her troubles, her feelings, or her pain with anyone. She knew how to keep everything bottled up, with a bright smile on her face always. However, she could never keep her nervousness away, and self-talking was one of the habits that gave it away.

Having listened to her murmuring from the past twenty minutes, Payal placed her novel aside, walked to her sister, and held her by her forearms.

"Khushi! Goodness, just calm down! Why are you getting so worked up? Think of it as an opportunity to a great future."

"Opportunity! Yes, sis, opportunity. But, what if they don't like me? I don't even know how to act at a job, forget training!"

"How can you say that? I am sure everyone will love you. Just be yourself. No one can not like my dear sister."


"No buts! Just give it your best. If you don't like the workplace or the people, you can just speak to your advisor and opt for another intership."

Payal hugged Khushi and gave a big smile. She moved all of Khushi's outfits back to the closet, leaving only two for her to select from tomorrow morning. Khushi sat on the edge of her bed and took a deep breath.

Let's do this! Khushi Gupta, you just have to do your best. If anything goes wrong, God will be there to help you. IBM, here I come!

On this final note, Khushi turned off her lamp and retired to bed.

Both Arnav and Khushi slept peacefully that night, unaware of the roller coaster their lives were about to get on.

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