Chapter 11 - Coincidences

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(9:10 AM @ IBM)


Aman hurriedly placed the phone back on the receiver, thought of calling the cafeteria to ask about the coffee, but ended up running to the cafeteria himself, made a strong black coffee, and ran to ASR's office. He stabled himself just as he reached the door and knocked like a gentleman.


Though the cup in his hand was shaking, Aman gave a polite smile and placed the cup on the table before he could spill it. He looked at his boss, who was standing with his back to him with a file in his hands, with tense shoulders and a stiff body posture.

"Sir.... your" Aman finally managed to get the words out of his mouth.

"I.need.the.expenditure.reports.NOW!" Arnav gritted through his teeth in a deadly furious voice, as he turned around.

Aman looked away from his eyes, not wanting to die of an heart attack anytime soon. He picked the files from the nearby shelf, with his hands shaking and body slightly shivering. But he finally found the correct file and moved it toward ASR without looking at him, who snatched it from his hands.


Aman scurried out of the cabin before ASR could even take a single breath. He ran to his desk and took some deep and long breaths to calm himself down, as he finally sat in his chair.

Mom, if it weren't for the salary, I would have resigned the second day he began working here. Please God, help me!


Arnav looked at the clock on his office wall. 9:42! Where is this girl? She has never been this late! Should I call her? What the?! No! What will I even say? Should I ask Aman? No! Yes? Well, why not!

Today, no matter how strong his coffee was, it simply wasn't helping. Arnav picked up the cabin phone and dialed Aman's extension.

"Come to my cabin." A steady, yet frustrated voice left his lips.

Moments later, a visibly terrified Aman entered the room, yet again.

"Ye...Yes Sir?"

"Where is Khushi?"

"Oh! She...uh, she took l...leave for today....uh...Sir."

"What the! With whose permission?"

"Actually, Sir....uh....she..."

"Aman, quit stammering and complete the damn sentence!"


"What?" Arnav raised his eyebrows, trying to grasp the gibberish Aman spewed out. "When I said complete the sentence, I meant audibly!"

"Sorry, Sir! She wanted to ask you for a leave, but you were busy in meetings, so I said yes."

"When was this?"

"Yesterday, Sir. At the end of the day."


"I couldn't ask her."

"An employee is taking a leave and you don't even ask her? Why was I not informed?"

"I tried to tell you yesterday evening, but you were busy on call with a client."

Arnav again raised his eyebrows and asked, "So, it's my fault that I was not informed?"

"No, Sir. I am sorry. I must have forgotten."


"Thank you, Sir! Uhh...I mean, yes, Sir!"

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