Chapter 7 - Questions!

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NK had once again tried to bring Arnav out with his friends, but Arnav's mood was way off today and he wouldn't hear anything from NK. As soon as he finished dinner, Arnav sneaked up to his room. Sensing the increasing discomfort and needing privacy, Arnav made a few calls to make sure his apartment can be ready in a few days and he could leave KM as soon as possible.

Arnav just wanted to sort his thoughts out, but he needed complete silence to do that. Even though he didn't want to, he needed to think about Khushi and how she brought so many reactions out of him. He had only met her yesterday, but there was something different about her and he felt it today too deeply. Today was the first time he spoke to her, well too many times in a single day. But Arnav was confused, not because of her, but because of himself. He couldn't understand why he reacted so much to her. He hadn't really been that angry at her, but he was more angry at himself since her words did something to his heart. She even went as far as to make him realize how he had wronged others in the morning. Still, he didn't understand why he couldn't stop himself from admiring how cute she looked, in spite of the anger he had displayed towards her.

Arnav laid on his bed, a hand under his head, while the other rested on his side. Looking up at the ceiling, he couldn't stop thinking about her. Why did she even matter to him? For most of the day, he had felt that his attitude was the only thing helping him to keep his sanity in front of all others.

When Khushi first came into his cabin to hand in her work, he was genuinely impressed that she had finished all the work in half the day. And then, once again, he was surprised when he saw that she was halfway done with the second batch on her desk as well. If it hadn't been for how her words made his heart race, he might have even praised her. But then, ASR's image couldn't have dealt with that softness all that well. Her resume showed that this internship was the first time she was working, but her work was that of a professional. None of the other interns could match her skills, and for that, he was confident that she would do a great job with Extreme as well.

Most of all, he couldn't understand why he went to meet her himself, when he had told Aman everything she needed to know before she left for the day. She didn't really need to know about his meeting and presentation, since he could have just told her tomorrow. But it was almost as if he couldn't stop his feet from moving in her direction. Another trigger was when he saw Aman and Khushi talking through his glass wall. A sudden pain has pinched his heart as he saw her worried face, and he had walked out of his office to be with her himself.

Beep Beep

Arnav reached for his phone from the side table by his bed, still thinking about her. If he hadn't been so lost in his thoughts, he would have been a little suspicious as to why he would be receiving a message at 10:30 at night. Arnav looked at the screen of his iPhone and saw that it was an email from a kkg.intern email address.

KKG? Intern? Who would... Wait, is it?

Arnav sat up on his bed, turned his bedside lamp on, and looked back at the screen. As realization dawned upon him, he immediately opened the email.

From: kkg.intern...

To: ASR...

Subject: Questions :)

Good Evening, Sir.

Since you said that I should email you if I have any questions, here are my questions! Actually, there are a lot of questions.

1) Why are you so obnoxiously rude to everyone? Is it a habit or a choice?

2) When was the last time you smiled? Do you have set time to smile, laugh, etc? (There was this show I saw a while back where a businessman had a set time to do everything. I was just wondering if you were like that. You two surely are similar!)

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