Chapter 14 - New beginnings?

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"Akash, get out of the car RIGHT.NOW!"

"Bro, just few minutes, Bro. Please?"

"They can see us through the window! GET.OUT.NOW!" Arnav muttered in annoyance and anger, trying not to be too loud.

Akash opened the door and took one step out, but he still could not muster enough courage to get out. He closed his eyes and with a big sigh, he finally walked out of the car.

Yes, Akash, you can do it! C'mon, you have solved so many cases till now, dealt with so many criminals. You can do this. Yes, you can!

Akash kept muttering his consoling and encouraging speech in his mind as he walked to the front door, along with Arnav. Arnav walked his usual confident walk, relieved that at least Akash was walking to the house, though still worried about how he would deal with his younger brother if something came up. Hopefully, Khush would be able to help out somehow...well, maybe.


"Oye Khushi! Why are you going there? Let your father open the door and greet the guests. You go and check whether Payal is ready or not?" Garima said, as she rushed to the kitchen to check on the food.

Khushi's smile faltered a little, but her smile returned just as quickly with a twinkle and she ran to Payal's room.

Before the Raizada brothers could even ring the doorbell, the main door was opened by a middle-aged man, dressed in a suit. Arnav pushed Akash to be in the front, slightly nudging him from the back.

Must be Khushi and Payal's father.

"Greetings. I am Shashi Gupta, Payal's father." Shashi folded his hands to greet his guests. Shashi led the guests to the living room, where Shashi's father, Anand, and Garima greeted them and gave them some refreshments.

"We were quite surprised to hear that you were bringing an alliance for our Payal. May we ask how you chose Payal so soon from the matrimony site? We just did her profile few days ago." Shashi inquired, once the guests had settled down.

Akash's eyes went wide, while Arnav glanced at Akash as he inclined himself to be nearer to Shashi and Anand.

"Uncle, I would like to be honest and upfront with you, since there is nothing better than honesty," Arnav replied. Akash looked a bit startled and confused at Arnav's words.

"Yes, please. We would appreciate nothing more." Shashi replied.

"Akash and Payal came to know each while studying and working together. They really do have a great relationship and a beautiful bonding. Whenever he needs support, Payal's simplicity helps to guide him with his decisions. With time, I have seen my brother become better than how good he already was." Arnav watched as both parents looked at each other seriously, while glancing at the grandfather.

"I do not want to insult any traditions, and I am more than certain that Akash and Payal don't want to either. However, I wouldn't call their relationship as love. It's a relationship where they are each others' supporters and advisers. They understand each other. I am Akash's eldest brother, and we are probably closer to each other than anyone else in our family, which is why I am here. Our parents are both in India, while they visit once in a while for business purposes. However, Akash is settled here, and if all goes well, New York is primarily where they would settle down." After his monologue, Arnav and Akash both waited, holding their breath, for any response from the elders.

"Son, we do have traditions, and our families are set in many ways. But nothing is beyond our children's happiness. Payal is a very wise child, and if this is what she desires, we have no reason to be objecting." Anand replied with a gentle smile, and he motioned for Garima to have Payal brought out. Garima had Payal and Khushi come out, without letting them know anything.

Anand asked Payal to sit next to him, as Khushi stood next to her grandfather.

"Payal, these gentlemen here tell us that you have known Akash for a while and you would like him to be your family. If that is true, let us know, so we may make our decision. But remember, nothing is above your happiness for us, kid." Anand spoke in a gentle voice, knowing Payal would be nervous and scared.

Khushi stared shook at the Raizada brothers, as she looked back at her sister, who was lost in her nervousness and so close to crying. She placed a hand on her sister's shoulder to support her.

"Grandpa, it's true. Akash is my happiness. His nature is just like you, Dad. I feel protected with him. I am sorry, Grandpa, Dad, and Mom. But I didn't know how to tell you, or how to even describe anything. I didn't want to disrespect anyone. I just wanted to first find out if Akash can really be that special part of this family, as I would become a part of his family." Payal spoke with a tiny voice, stopping to look at everyone, but with certainty.

Akash looked at Payal in awe at her words. Shashi and Garima's eyes were watery, while Anand let out a chuckle and everyone turned to look at him surprised.

"I am just happy that our daughter got such a good upbringing and she is so sensible. I haven't asked your parents yet, but I fully support you." Anand couldn't help but let another chuckle out.

The brothers and Khushi smiled with relief, as Payal hugged her grandpa. Shashi and Garima smiled at them, as Shashi stood up and blessed his daughter, and Garima went to get sweets for everyone. Victory prevails in silent actions as they say.

As everyone settled down again, Anand sat both his granddaughters next to him, in front of all. "I cannot describe how happy I am. But there is only one more thing I want."

Everyone looked at him, confused with his words.

"Khushi is the dearest to me, above my own son, who is my blood. I want to see Khushi married before I die."

"Grandpa, why are you talking like this? You are going to live for decades and decades yet." Khushi hugged her grandfather.

"No, Khushi. Life can only be so long. There isn't much for me to live since your grandma left this world. I only want to live long enough to see you both happily settled. So, if there is anyone in your life, today is probably a good occasion to tell us."

Khushi sneaked a slight glance toward Arnav, as she replied, "No, Grandpa. I don't have anyone like that in my life."

Arnav's straight face could have fooled everyone, including him, but the tiny pinch in his heart and the little disappointment felt strange in his chest, even for himself. Not wanting to consider it any further, Arnav simply looked away.

After the lunch, the brothers left the Gupta household, with promises to arrange the families to get together soon in the near future. Everyone was happy with the day's events, with two individuals with a strange and uncomfortable feeling seeping into their hearts.

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