Chapter 9 - Vibes

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As he walked to the cafeteria, his shrewd eyes observed every person he passed by. In the cafeteria, he found a pair of glamorous eyes looking back at him, with a seductive smile. Giving a sly smile of his own, he gestured that he will join her in a moment. He walked to the food counter to get his lunch.

"Welcome back, Mr. Jha. I didn't see you yesterday" said Charlie,  a helper in the cafeteria.

"Yeah, I had some things to take care of. And I'll have my usual."

"Of course, Mr. Jha. Well, you missed quite a bit yesterday, if what others were speaking the truth." Charlie began his usual gossip chatterbox, as he frequently picked up what people in cafeteria were often talking about.

"What about?"

"Mr. Raizada, who everyone calls ASR, had quite a temper yesterday. They said his assistant suffered the most, and I saw that poor guy Aman. He looked so lost and tired when he came down to grab a snack and he literally ran back up. But they said that an intern also witnessed his wrath."

Shyam chuckled, "Wrath, you say? Well, his personality surely was a little standoff from the first day. By the way, who was the intern?"

"I didn't get her name. But they were talking about her being promoted to be a leader of some sort."

"Ahh, I know who you are talking about then, Charlie. I would say she deserves the position. Her work was quite impressive. Anyways, I'll catch you later."

Shyam took the tray and made his way toward Lavanya's table, as a sly smile replaced his genuine one. He sat across her, as she looked at him seductively.

"How are you, Mr. Jha?"

"Lavanya, I have told you earlier as well. Call me Shyam. I would feel much more comfortable then."

"I know, Sir. But I just didn't want to call you Shyam out in the public." She winked at him to convey the hidden meaning.

Shyam smirked and changed the topic. "So, Khushi got selected for Extreme. You must be excited for your friend."

He noticed how the smile got wiped off her face instantly.

"Yeah, sure. But I don't think she will be able to do a good job at it."

"Well, if I were given the decision, I would have certainly selected you. You surely deserve it much more than her."

Lavanya smiled at Shyam, "Well, aren't you such a sweetheart? You may be right, but what difference does it make? She also has to sustain the position she got." 

Shyam didn't miss the wicked smirk on Lavanya's face, but she didn't notice the sudden flash of emotions in his eyes.

"Anyways, Sir, I am done with my lunch. I don't want anyone to see us together for too long, but I'll see you in the evening, right?"

"Ya, same place." Shyam replied with a sly smile, but as she left, his eyes had a distant look as he recalled the first time he saw the two friends together.


He was talking to one of the directors after the meeting in the Conference Hall, when he saw one of the interns looking at him from the corner of his eyes. A glance at her made him feel a strong negative vibe coming from her, and even her eyes had a wicked glint to them. 

It wasn't that Shyam was superstitious or anything, but he surely had picked up a lot of things living with his grandmother who strongly believed in psychic energy. Even if she could never make him believe in it, she made sure that he knew how to recognize a person's energy.

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