Chapter 6 - Confusions, confusions!

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Arnav ran a hand over his face and sat back down in his chair.

"The first assignments of the interns were handed over to Mr. Whitt yesterday."

"Mr. Whitt?... Sorry."

Arnav took a deep breath and continued, "Mr. Whitt is the Business Development Executive. As I was saying, when I received the assignments yesterday, I didn't had enough time to go through all of them. But Mr. Whitt showed up and went over all the assignments himself. He chose you as the leading intern for the team Extreme, which will be responsible for monitoring how other interns are doing from a distance and you would also be going over their assignments when I need you to. But you will be working in league with everyone. You will still be reporting to me and continue working as all the other interns. Now, Ms. Gupta, does that explain why I called you in here?"

"Wow! So, I got chosen from all the four interns?"



Arnav raised his eyebrows, as if to inform that she was still at work.

"Oh, sorry." Khushi gave a sheepish smile. "So, does that mean I will be working with you directly?"

"I did just say that. Yes."

"So, Aman wouldn't have to play an in-between role?"

"What the?!" Arnav sighed and looked away before replying in a curt tone, "No, he will be assisting you when you need help. He will be working with you."

"Okay, then! Also, I stay at my cubicle, right?"

"Yes. Aman will inform you if and when you need to attend any meetings."

"Okay. So, then..."

"If you have any more questions, Ms. Gupta, ask Aman. I need to get back to my work."

"Just one last question?"

Not wanting to satisfy her with a reply, Arnav gave her a brief nod.

"Does this mean that you cannot disqualify me, no matter what the circumstances may be?"

"Ms. Gupta, you will be present for the entire length of the program. The program rules are still applicable to you and if any of the interns, you included, break any of the rules, there will be circumstances."

Arnav saw a wide grin forming on Khushi's face and he realized what she was really asking.

"Ms. Khushi Gupta, I am still your boss and you will behave appropriately and professionally at all times. If there are any issues or problems, you will still be held accountable."

"But you cannot disqualify me, right?"

"I just explained! You follow the rules and everything works out!"

"So, that's a yes?"

"Ms. Gupta!"

"Yes or No?"

"I think I have made myself clear enough. Now, please, leave!"

"Oh c'mon! Can't you just say yes to make me feel better?"

Arnav gave a bewildered look to Khushi. He had just explained it to her. Then why was she still going on about it?

"What? It's not like I am asking you to wear a Tom&Jerry t-shirt!" Khushi said, rolling her eyes.


"What?! Don't you dare tell me you don't know who Tom&Jerry are! They are..."

"Ms. Gupta, watch how you talk! I am..."

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