New places

30 3 0

5 years later

" go around back." Coach pointed to the back of the house. I slowly step around the house keeping my gun up.
slowly opening the back door. I don't see anyone so I kick it open the rest of the way. I whistle signaling that it is safe. Everyone files in placing their bags down. Kaylee pushes a table up against the back door and Jessica get the front.
" ok girls set up the beds." Coach barricaded the front door putting chairs and tables.
Pulling out blankets and taking pillows from the couch.
" ok jaylei go raid the kitchen for food and ava go check the downstairs Millie go check up stairs." I say as I stand up. Me and Callie dump our food bags and begin to count.
" ok so 6 cans of beans 10 cans of fruit and 7 cans of chicken." Callie writes down that amount in her notebook.
Ever since the apocalypse started we were assigned jobs. Callie keeps track of food. I hunt for deer and other animals. Jaylei raids the kitchens and helps out with cooking sometimes. Millie ava check the rest of the house. Natasha keeps out guns clean. Rebecca really does nothing. Kaylee cooks food. Jessica and coach wash the clothes.
I look up just as Ava comes in with meds and some clothes.
" this is all I could find it was pretty much all raided." She sits the stuff with Callie and she Jots down the new items.
For the rest of the night we just talk and laugh. There was not much for us to do we all missed our families it was hard for us to live with out them. But we all bonded over our situation and that we all love basketball. Non of us though have played in over 5 years. There's not much time for basketball in the apocalypse.
Night came and we all settled down Natasha keeping watch till morning then she would sleep. I lay down facing Callie.
" Callie do u ever think about our family's." She turns and looks at me.
" ya a lot." A single tear running down the side of her face and make a dark spot on the pillow.
" I alway think they are happy and alive. This might be mean but I mostly miss my dogs they are everything to me." I pull out a printed picture of my family and dogs. This picture was all I had left of them.
" I get it I miss my cat." She let's out a slight laugh.
" good night Callie." I say turning around. Slowly my eyes close and I drift off.
I open my eyes to a very bright room the sun peeking though the curtains. I blink a few times before setting up and going to change into some clothes.
Walking up the stairs and going into the bathroom. I push open the window and feel that is hot. Shifting through the bag and picking out ripped shorts and a white shirt with a leather jacket I stole from a Harley Davidson dealer ship. Paired with my boots I wear everyday.
I walk back out and down stairs to see everyone up and packing the stuff up.
" ok girl put the bags in the SUV." We all put our bags in the SUV and we file in. Coach starts driving on the highway and we get off at a random exit and end up on a town. The town was in pretty bad shape blood every where and smashes glass on the ground.
" shit no no." Slowly the car stops. Great. We all get of the car and grab our bags and start walking down a road with house on both sides.
" coach what as it like to go to college " Nat asks will she plays with her hair. None of us had gone to college we where all 11th and 12th graders when shit hit the bricks.
" it sucks the work was hard and people where pricks." He laughs remembering his college years.
" damn it was really that bad huh." Nat stoped playing with her hair.
" yep."
" what's that? " Kaylee asks pointing to a large gate and tall wall. Probably 20 to 25 feet tall.
" I don't know." I say picking up my speed sort of jogging and running at the same time. Every close behind. The closer we get the walls got taller and more scary.
Finally just a couple feet from the gate it slides open. People come running out waving gun in the air and tell up to drop our weapons.
" who are you." A man asked he had a thick beard with grey hairs.

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