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I relax my head on to the hard concert wall. Gifs knows how long I have been sitting her in this room in this same spot.
This room was much smaller then the one from before. It was may be 4x4. Sitting here with me legs pulled to my chest just thinking. Thinking about everything my father hasn't done for me.

" Bella don't you know how to read." My father pointed to the words on the page and signaled for be to read it again.
" stir the mix con- constantly and keep lid on to allow it to sss... I don't know that word daddy." I look at me father who stared at me mad.
" Bella it simmer. Are you that stupid your 8 for god sakes bell you need to learn to fucking read."  I scrunched my face in and a single tear runs down my face. " oh for fuck Sakes your crying now."  My dad stands up and slammed the box down and storms out. Slowly nor tears flow out of my eyes and after a minute I was balling my eyes out.
" hey bell it's ok you know how dad is." Bellamy walks in and pulls me in for a hug wiping my tears and comforting me..
" I know but daddy's... nice to you... but not me." I say taking in shaky breaths every couple words.
" I know bell but it's just hard for dad taking care of you." Bell hugged me again the started tickling me then picked me up and put me on the couch putting my favorite movie Anastasia on the new tv dad had just bought.

My brother was always nice to me no matter how much I pushed him. When my father was not there for me he was. Even though my mom moved us when I was nine. We would call. I called him for home coming. I called him for when I got on to the basketball team. I called him for my first basketball game. I called him for everything.

" Bellamy I did it we are going to nationals." I screamed into my phone celebrating with my team.
" oh my god bell I'm go happy for you." He sis will look around behind him. I scrunch my eyebrow in confusion.
" bell what's wrong?" I ask stepping out of the locker room.
" oh dad on edge cause Lucille gotten worse." Bellamy looks back at the camera with a smile. I smile back.
" oh umm im sorry." I don't know what to say to say cause I never liked Lucille.
" oh it's ok we'll have fun celebrating." Bellamy gave me a wink and hung up.

My brother was always there for me whenever I need him he was right the-
" bell." I look up and Bellamy is running in.
" bell dads putting u to trial ok so he give u four options. One lost four fingers. Two four hits to the back with a chain. Three cut he's going to Make a at least 4 inch cut anywhere u say and it will be slow and deep. Four he's going to pull at three teeth with dirty rusty pliers." Bellamy grabbed my face and pulled me in.
" why are you telling me this." I ask looking at him confused.
" because when you make your choice and you get back here. I will show up a couple hours later with two backpacks full of supplies and six guns and plenty of ammo. We are going to get out of here far from her where our father will never find us ok." Bellamy grabbed my face with a sad look then pulled me in. I shock my head yes and blinked a couple time to make sure this is real.
" I love you to the moon." Bellamy said standing up.
" and I love you to the stars." I say in response.
Me and Bellamy had been saying this since we where kids it was our way of tell each other that we where always love each other no matter what.
I close my eyes and lay back on the wall.

" Bella Lucille smith wake up it's time for trial." Some grabbed me shoulder pulled and up. I opened my eyes to see a man pulling and out of the room throwing me down on the ground. He closed the door behind him then both him and another man dragged me by my shirt.
I relax my body and allow  them to drag me away.  
A door swings open and they drag me in pick and up and cuff me to a chairs
" Bella Lucille smith your trial for first degree manslaughter mass genocide." I look up at a woman who held a book. " there is no need for a investigation when we all witnessed your crimes. We will go straight to punishment. As for ever other crime you get the Same four choices. One lost four fingers. Two four hits to the back with a chain. Three cut make at least 4 inch cut anywhere.Four pull at four teeth." I look down at the ground thinking.
" cut." I look up at the women she says ok. She signal a man with a large knife over to me.
" hold her down." Look at the two men who grabbed me.
" where." He asks looking at me.
" my face from above my eyebrows to below my eyes." He grabs my face and lifts the knife and starts forehead. I clinch my jaw and squeeze the chair. He cuts deep and slides the knife down my face like butter.
Everything spins and everything goes black.
I open my eyes and look around. I was back in my cell. I bring my hand up to feel my face. I touch a spot just below my eye and pulling back instantly from pain.
Tears run down my face making my face sting as they fall down my cheeks.
" bell come on." I look up to see Bellamy. I stand up and he hands me a back pack and so find I tuck them in my back and in my belt line and sling the riffle on my back. He grabs my hand and leads me though the Sanctuary and back though the gates.
" we should make our way to the kingdom. Dads not aloud inside." Bellamy says still holding my and walking though the woods.
" ok as long as I can get a message to Alexandria to Luna and Daryl." I say look at Bellamy.
" ok well the kingdom is a four day trip with a car so probably seven days." Bellamy  look at me and pulls me in. " we are going to have a little sister brother bonding time."

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