The end

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Bella POV:

Slowly I open my eyes. Where am I. I sit up rubbing my eyes. I'm in the infirmary at the kingdom.
" h-hel hello." My throat was dry it burned my throat to even speak. The opens and a lady walks in.
" hello Bella here's water." She hand me a glass of water and I instantly chug it down not leaving a drop. I look and a I see Daryl layed back in a chair asleep.
" Daryl?" I ask my throat finally becoming less dry. He flys up and runs over taking my hand. I smile wide. He smiles to kissing my hand.
" hey bell." He smiles ear to ear. I laugh then immediately stop cause my throat hurts. The nurse fills my cup with more water.
" bell I can't breathe you awake." He cupped my face then kissed me so soft so gentle. I can feel him smiles though our kiss. I laugh.
The nurse turns and leaves.
" bell this might seem weird but will you make me so happy and be my girlfriend." He smiles rubbing my hand.
" y-yes." I barely say and he pulls me in again for a kiss.
"Ok well I have to go we having a meeting with negan after he burnt down Alexandria." I could tell he was holding back something but I was not sure what yet then Daryl stands up and leaves. I have to go with them. I get up and walk to the window waiting for them to leave. Slowly they all gather in cars and pull out the front gate. Ok this is my only chance get out. I grab Daryl's hoodie pull it over my head and pull the hood up and walk out of my room and down the stairs. Going though the door out to the street. I need to make my way to the armory by the front gate.
Keeping my head Down and out of sight. I walk though a ally way and make my way around the back of a building. How do I get in. The window I press my hands on the window then slide up. I push my self up and swing my leg in the window and then I get my other in. Standing up and look at the pretty bare armory. Fuck. I scan over all my options. Bow and arrow. I pick up the bow and pull it over me I then grab a few knifes and some holsters and strap them all to me. I grab a football chest plate that was painted black. I take of my bow and slide it over my head and clip it in place I then slide bow back over me and I grab a few arrows sliding them between my back and the the football pads. Ok I need to go. Waking slowly I walk in the hallway and open up then box that holds the keys. I pull out a key to god knows what. They really need do organize better.
I go out the same way I came in and close the window behind me. I make my way to the front and click the light button on the keys and see the lights of a 2009 Suzuki GSX-R 600. God damn. I quick walk over there keeping my head down. I grab the bikes handles and walk into a ally and make my way to the back gate.
I slide the back door open and push the bike
through I close it behind me rechaining it. I walk with the bike to the road swing my leg over it and stand up. I put the key in and turn the bike on.
" this is badass." I smile and rev the throttle and take off down the road and see the car in the distance I keep a distance between us to make sure they don't see me.
Eventually They turn into a field damn this is going to fun. Slowly I make my way into the field. I turn my bike off and hide it behind a tree.
I creep down the hill and around the corner everyone was standing ricks and negan where talking. I do not plan of interjecting but I will if needed.
Then a argument breaks out the saviors pull out there guns and take shots. I duck down and look back at the saviors stood clutching there hands. The people from Alexandria take out the guns and start shootings them at they stood clutching there hands. What the fuck. The. Rick runs up the hill towards my dad. Fuck. I break out into a run following straight towards him. My dad can't die cause I'm the one who has to do it. Fuck fuck. Rick is on top of my dad punching him both are bloody and covered in dirt then Rick reaches up and grips onto a piece of broken glass from a stained window that hung on the tree. I run over and push Rick off I look at my dad and his throat is slip slightly his stands up and walks off.
" take him to the infirmary." Rick says dropping the glass. I stood there confused I felt like I should feel sadness but I was numb i felt nothing.
Turing around and going back to my bike and going back.

I get off the bike and there Daryl is with Luna. I run over tk them taking Luna into a hug.
" my sweet sweet girl." I say tears falling down my face.
" I love you mommy," she smiles and takes my hand and we walk off together this was happiness. I took Daryl hand to and we walked down the street.

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