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I open my eye and look around my room. It was not as nice as my room in Alexandria but it was doable. I sit up and throw the blanket off of me and onto the other side of the bed. I swing my leg over the bed and stand up.
I stretch my arms up and bend my neck side to side making it pop. Walking over to the closet and picking though my options.
" mmmh no I look horrible in purple. Oo here red." I throw the red tank top with lace on the bottom seam and the neck line. After that I found a pair of acid washed boot cut jeans.
" where are my here they are." I pull out my cowboy boots I had been gifted my Jerry at a thank you for helping his wife. Quickly I undress and grab my black bra and put it on then put the tank my jeans put on some long sock then my boots. Picking up my makeup and smearing black eyeshadow on the face making a blackened streak across my eyes.
I rummage through my drawer pulling out hair pins and rubber bands. I sit down putting my hair up doing brand twists. It the fucking apocalypse why not look like a badass Viking. Finishing I put the stuff on the table then put the guns in my waist belt and my rifle over my shoulder and head out to the theater.
Blinking my eyes trying to adjust to the sun. Ugh it bright. I started walking down the side walk watching the young kid's practice archery and soldiers train running in unison across the street. So glad I did not have to go through training.
On the other side of the road I see Tom walking with Rick and everyone walking them to I think the theater. I jog over there.
" hey y'all." I say pulling Michonne in for a hug. She hugs me back and laughs.
" long time no see bell." Me and Michonne walked with everyone else keeping our arms around each other.
" I've missed you mich." I put my head oh hers.
" same I was going crazy with all these boys." She rubbed my shoulder.
"Same there's so many boys. " finally we make it to the the gate.
" are y'all leaving?" I ask Michonne. She gives me a sorry look.
" ya well Ezekiel did not quite like the proposal." She said looking at me." But I promise we will be back and we'll bring you home to Alexandria and we'll live with out negan happy with Luna and Judith sitting on the porch drinking tea and talking gossip like wives do and Judith and Luna will be playing in the front yard. We will be happy. " she pulled me in for a hug. I give her a slight smile.
" ya." I look down and turn around. Hearing the gates close behind me. I have decided to take a day off and headed to the archery range to help kids.
" hey Sammy I can to help." I say walking over to the range.
" oh ok well the little kids are over there we have no one to help them. " she smiles at me with putting strings on bows.
"Ok." I turn around and head over there.
" hey kids." I say looking at them the drop there bow and run over to me hugging me and say hi.
" ok so let's get started." They all run over to their bows and stand in-front of cones.
" ok so the first step of archery learning basic rules first no dry firing it will detach the string from the bow and fuck it up. Second always point the arrow down. Got it." I say looking at all of them they shake there head yes.
" ok now take the bow and point it at the red spot on the hay bails keep your arm straight hold the bow with one arm keeping it lined with the target. Don't let your arm bend at shake. Concentrate on the bow and keeping it up. Good good."


After several hours of working we had finally got to the point where they had the right pose.
" bye kids." I say waving goodbye. A wide smile spreading across my face. I loved hanging with these kids there so sweet they remember me very much if Luna. I can't wait to see my little girl again.
Walking to the theater I kept me head low I could get in trouble for miss work but I just need to talk to Ezekiel.
Looking each to either side of me then opening the theater door and going straight in.
" Ezekiel my king." I bow slightly walking up.
" Ser Bella what brig you here to today." Ezekiel sits up in his chair.
" I came to speak to you about negan and the war... my king you must hell them with this war. Negan is a very evil man and if Alexandria and hilltop loose. They will be burnt to the ground everyone inside died. My daughter will die my friends the Daryl my daughter father and the man I love more then you could describe. Family will die and I don't think you want there blood in your hand for you mistake. My king this is war your people will be hurt to wither you like or not. And if you choose to not fight I'm this war you will be a coward the coward who helped kill Alexandria and hilltop." My word startled Ezekiel. He sat there motionless speechless.
" Bella j just met these people I can not be responsible for these people mistakes. But I will bell this war. Jerry send a message to Alexandria we will help them and have them prepare for a meeting to discuss the plan." Ezekiel game me smile them left.

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