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After several hours of driving none stop we arrive at Alexandria. We pull up they open the gates and we drive in. I step out and everyone looks at me with hatred and disgust. I look down wall around and take Luna from Daryl. He walks over to Rick and tell him that we got the supplies from negan. I could I stay there any longer. I grab Lunas Bag and keys to the truck and walk to the house that my team was placed in.
I walk up the steps and knock on the door.
" come on in." I hear Kaylee yell. I open the door and every single one of them jump and run to hug me.
" who kid is that." Nat stopped and looked at me so did everyone else.
" me and Daryl found her in a house her mother was bit so she killed her self." I look down at Luna who was smiling. I walk in and close the door behind me.
" what her name." Millie walks up and pick her up. Mile sit down on the couch playing with Luna.
" Luna Aurora Dixon." I say sitting next to Millie.
" Luna these are your Aunts and uncle." Luna giggles and claps her hands.
" how old is she." Coach sits on the other couch.
" I'm not sure but I think I going to take her to the infirmary to give her a check up and guess her age." Mille hands her to me.
" well I think we need a room."Mille jumps up and all of the girls follow her up stairs I'm guessing to find a room for the kid. I smile stand up and grab her bag and leave for the infirmary. I walked up the street. Everyone staring at me. All walking away into there houses and pulling there children inside or closer to them.
I looked down holding onto Lunas hand comforting myself. Walking up the stairs and thought the door. There where three people sitting in the room two doctors and one others person who was taking notes.
" hey I just need her to get a check up and a estimation." I look at all of them. they turn to look at me.
" ya set her down here." The female doctor says pointing to a check up chairs. I walk over set her down and the doctor come over and check her ears eyes and heart beat.
" I'm Carol." She says checking Luna.
" what's her name?" She says grabbing a clip boards.
" Luna. Do you need her full name" she shacks her head yes. " Luna Aurora Dixon." I say rubbing Lunas head gently. She looks down confused then looks back up. Writing it down then writes now other things.
" I'm guessing by her physical assessment that she just over a five years old.she is behind on her talk and other things for her age but with some time she will be find.And your free to go." I stand up and walk out for the office and back down the street.
" hey look it's Negans daughter." I turn to see a group of teen boys walking up to of them picks up a rock and throws it at me.
" hey what the fuck." I say looking at him. They all laugh.
" I'm sorry does that hurt maybe I can go find a bat and bash your head in." The hall laughed more. I clinched my jaw I can't there is a kid next to me.I kept walking trying to get away from them. They kept following me. I kept walking till I made it in the house.
" You can't hide forever murder." I slid down the door tears streaming down my face. My breathing became quicker. Breathing was harder and harder. I could hear everyone file down the stairs. Mile walks up takes Luna and hands her off to Jess she places her hand on my back taking slow breathes to come me down. I calm myself down.
" Bell what happened." I looked at Millie.
" they called me a murder and throw rocks at me and Luna." I look at Mille my face twitching trying not to cry.
" how about me and you go on a run to find nursery stuff mmh." Millie says lifting me up.
I shack my head yes and I pull the keys to my truck out and me and Millie head out red to the truck.
" there's a children's shop a town over i over heard it from one of the ladies here in town." Millie said getting in the truck.
" ok we can take the truck out and find some stuff." I say getting and starting the truck. They open the gate and I drove out and headed for the shop. After a little we reached the town. Millie have me instructions on which way to turn then we pull in and stop. I take the key we both hop out and I lock the truck.
" come on over here." She points to a shop named roses children store. (Very creative) we walk up to it and open the door. She shuts it behind us. It was very dem I pulled out a flash light and started walking around.
" over look." She called me over to a bed. It was grey with moons and stars all over it. It was perfect.
" ya I love it." I smile looking at the moons. She grabs the box and puts it by the door. I see a matching toy chest. I point to that and she grabs that to. I put clothes, toys, children's books and a little tent to put up in the corner of her room with moons on it. Along with other miscellaneous things.

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