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I sat on the empty loading dock waiting for them to load the truck. Their where boxes and boxes stacked in the back then the roll up the tarp to cover them. They even had boxes stuffed in the back seat. I look over to see Daryl being handed clothes and I'm cuffing his legs.
" everything is loaded up." Dwight then walked away immediately. Rude.
I stand up walk over to the to see Daryl in the passenger seat and rubbing his legs. I hop in and close the door causing Daryl to shoot his head up.
" hey." I say putting the keys in and starting the truck.
" hi." He went back to rubbing his legs. I pulled out and down the road to the exit gate.
" can I see your exit ticket." The guard said smiling.
" umm I don't have one but I'm Bella." I smiled back at him.
" oh ok go ahead." I pull forward and they open the hat and let me out. Once I'm out I pick up the speed. It was maybe a day and a half drive to Alexandria so it was going to quite the trip.
" when it gets dark we can pull into a house and stay for the night." I say as I make a turn. The reason I know where Alexandria is cause of the town we where in right before Alexandria.
After driving for five hours I pull into a neighborhood house lined the streets.each house a different version of the other. At the end of the street a large White House with a porch rap around the house. I pulled in pulled up the garage got back in the truck and pulled it in. I got out knocked on the garage that lead inside the house. nothing.
Turning the truck off and pulling the garage down and walking in the house. It was perfectly preserved. Every just like it was years ago. A thick layer of dust cover the walls and floor and every little item. I hear a click and swing around pulling out my gun. Daryl walked in from the garage and closed the door.
" what the hell put that up I just locked the garage door." He look at me dirty. I handed him my rifle and we started down stairs clearing each room checking for zombies or people.
" first clear." I say slowly walking up the stairs with Daryl behind me. As we walk up the stairs a groaning from the room start the end of the hall.
We start at the first door. Clear. Then we move on to the next it was a toddlers room.Clear. Then the second to last a bathroom. Clear. Then the last room.
Slow I open the door readying my gun. The opens all the way. It was a nursery. Please tell me it not a baby. In the corner of the room a women sat in the corner her arms tied to the pieces of furniture behind her. She pushed and squirmed forward trying to get us her jaw opening and closing snapping at us. My face lighted relieved it was Nora baby or child.
I pull out my knife and shove it in the top of her hand.
" hey Bella." I turn around and Daryl was holding a baby in his hands.
" what the fuck." I gave him a confused look.
" it was laying under this crib I guess to protect it." He said handing me a piece of paper. " It was on top of the crib it's a note I guess from the mother." He helped her out from under it she immediately climbed on to Daryl.He smiles at her playing with her hair and giggling with her. The clothes on her where yellow and plain and her hair was long and curly.
I open the note and began reading it out loud.
" thank for finding my child please take care of her. She is my light and soul but will protecting her I was bit by a walker and I refuse to allow my self to hurt people. So I will tie my self up. Please protect her. I have yet to name her. I did not want to name my baby in fear she would die and it would hurt me more. So name her something beautiful like Rose or faith. And raise her well teach her about what life was like before teach how to fight and hunt and survive in this cruel world she was born into. Tell her that her mother and father love her very much and she was there hole world until the real world become to real and killed them. Tell her how strong she is and she is capable of anything. And make sure she has her blanket when she sleeps or she will not sleep and that she always has someone with when she's awake or she will freak. Make sure you take her bag it has her favorite toys in there and her blanket. Take good care of my little girl. Give her the world cause I could not." I finshed the note as a single tear slid down my face. I look over to see a blue bag with chicks on it and flowers. I pick it up and open it see toys and a blanket. This is her bag. I swing it in my shoulder,
We both quietly walk down the hall and stairs and we sit on the couch.
" so what are going to do with a kid ." Daryl looked at me.
" watch over her. We can't let her get hurt." Daryl said playing with her. I could tell he was already falling in love with the kid and it was cute. He smiled and played it was not what he was like what I assumed his normal behavior was. I can't lie it made and kind of like him. He was hot and good with kids.
I smile with him playing with her to. I look up at Daryl to see him look at me playing with her. I look back at the kid. Why was he looking at me like that like he liked me like he found me playing with the kid was cute.
Pushed it out of my head focusing back on the baby.
" what are we going to name this cute little girl." Daryl asked looking at me.
" umm I don't know what about Luna or willow." I say laying back.
"I like Luna. Her middle name can be Aurora." He said rocking her in his arms.
" ya Luna Aurora" I stopped and though what is her last name. " what will her last name be." I look at Daryl thinking.
" what about we do Dixon-smith." He turned to look at at me. Hearing my last name come out of his mouth made me cringe hard. I will not give my last name to this child.
" no just Dixon if your ok with that." I asked giving him a questioning look.
" ya Luna Aurora Dixon." He let out a laugh.
" what." I said laughing to.
" I never thought a child could have my last name."

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