Southern bell

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Daryl Dixon POV:
"Well I guess we have a baby together now." I look at at the hard wood floors. Bella was gorgeous. He hair fell perfectly on her shoulders and her eyes where the most beautiful blue. She was kind and alway laughed. Slowly I moved towards her with Luna in my arms. I leaned in kiss her her lips. Eventually she began kissing me back. After awhile she pulled back. And just look at me. This is awkward now.
" why did you kiss me?" She asked me as she looked at her hands.
" cause it felt right." I just look at her. She stood up and walked up stairs not say a word. What have I done.

Bella smith POV:
I stand up and walk up the stairs not saying a word. He kissed me with a kid sitting on his lap which it technically our kid now. Omg. I mean he's hot and shit but like oh my god. What do I what do I say. Do I say nothing. I take a deep breath in then a deep breathe out ok. I slowly walk back down the stairs and sit next to Daryl again.
" now that we have a kid together.... Are we like a couple are we co-parenting." I just look forward will I asked cause it did not want to make awkward eye contact.
" I guess we umm co-parenting," he held Luna in his arms rocking by her to bed.
" well I'm just going to head to bed do you want to put her to sleep." I ask look at him and he shacks his head yes. I walk up stairs and into a bedroom and fall asleep.
The next morning I was up and climb out of bed. I walk down stairs to see Daryl sitting on the couch asleep with Luna sleeping in his arms. How adorable. I quietly walk pass them and into the garage and grab some jeans with a white tank and a flannel. I walk back in close the door walk into the downstairs bathroom and change. Putting my old close in the truck. I walk back in to see Daryl now up feeding Luna.
" good morning we have to hit the road." I say looking at Daryl.
" ok let me get her bag and we can head out." Daryl picks up her back and puts it in is back and we walk to the truck and pull out. I start back down the stair making my way to the highway. I rest my arm on the window seal and relaxing. It was going to be a smooth ride.
I reached over to the radio to look for maybe a station who had a song or songs on repeat. I found a station playing 90's country. After awhile I found out that it was about 10 song a on repeat.
Driving though a small town the streets lined with empty cars and dead.
" so Daryl what did you do before the world went to shit." I asked turning a corner.
" I worked at a car shop fix-in cars and shit. I also just dropped out of college so I basically was broke." He kept his eyes on Luna.
" mmh sounds fun. I never got to go to college I was a senior in high school when shit went crazy." Daryl look up for a second then back at Luna. I turn the corner and the road was blocked.  There where cars stacked and pushed up next to each other. I let out a groaning sound and put the truck in reverse. Just to be stopped by four trucks pulling up behind us. 
" Daryl those trucks blocked us in we need to leave before they steal out shit." I pull my gun out of my holster. Daryl does the same. Daryl picks up Luna and puts her in the back hiding her h der a blanket and and told her to stay out and be quiet.Four men on each side of us began walking surrounding us. Fuck. A man walks up to my window and knocks on it with a gun. I roll my window down just a tad so I could hear him.
" what the fuck so you want ?" I asked looking at him.
" I would just love to take this might fine truck home with me and you." A smirk crossed his face.
" how about you take your little gang and get the fuck away from me before I fuck y'all up." I said my southern accent I had grown from living in the south came out.
" how you that your a southern bell." He laughed his crew laughing with him.
" I don't think you want her to get out this truck." Daryl said leaning forward telling the man. He laughed.
" what is southern bell her going to do to 25 men." He started laughing once more this time he was slapping his knee. I look forward my anger building up.
" listen here sweet heart you take your crew and leave before I have to get out of this truck and fuck all of y'all up and I really don't want to get dirty so just leave." My face twitching from anger.
" ok doll get the fuck out the car." He rose his gun. Looking at me. I step out of the car and everything goes black.
I wake up in a parking garage surrounded by men I stood up and walked back towards the wall. I took a good stance planting my body. I grab the guy with the gun slam his against a pillar a coupe times then stole his gun and his katana?what the fuck. I  turn around shoot three guys putting two bullets in each of them. I drop my gun pull out my knife. I then stab a man who was running up to men and I feel a man grab my other arm trying to drag me.I turn kick him in the nuts and stab another guys. I run other to another grab his head twist it right snapping his neck. Some grabs around my waist right below my ribs lifting me out and walking back. I hook my foot right behind his knee then I whip my self down to the ground grab his ankle and pull causing him to fall I then sit on his knee. It makes a loud snap noise I stand up and look to see Daryl just staring at me. Blood drenched my clothes and my hair. My face covered in blood.
" let's go." Daryl places his free hand on my shoulder. He had taken Luna out to comfort her cry's I think cause she had snot on her nose and red eyes. I shock my head yes and walked out with him. I saw our truck untouched. I run over check the back and everything was still there even in the back seat. I let out a sigh of relief and her in the truck Daryl right behind me and we pull out of the truck and leave back on the road.

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