Chapter 1: Flying High

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I drive home from school and park my motorcycle in the spot we set aside for it. My brother gets home just after me. I check the mail and find a letter from the Naval Academy Board.

"James!" I squeal.

"What? What's wrong?"

I show him the letter.

"Nicole, that's awesome that they even wrote to you!"

"I know! I'm scared to open it though. What if Uncle Eric wasn't able to convince them?"

"The only thing you have to fear is getting rejected now, and if that happens then you try again down the road." He sees the look on my face and grabs the letter from me. He opens it and reads the first few sentences. He turns back to me with a blank expression. "Nikki, you were—accepted!"


"You're going to be the first female naval aviator!"

"You're joking! Jimmy, this is amazing!" we jump around in excitement until Mama calls for us.

"Dinner's ready! Come wash up, please. Nik, I can use your help, dear."

"Coming, Mama!" we both respond as we bound up the stairs to change. I help set the table and fix drinks once I come back down. Dad gets home just as we're finishing up. We all sit down, and Jimmy says grace before we eat.

"So. Nicole, James, what was all the commotion about earlier?" Mama asks.

"I got a letter from the Naval Academy today."

"Oh?" Dad questions as he's now hanging on every word I say.

"Yes. I'm going to be the first female naval aviator."

"Wow!" Mama exclaims. "That's a huge honor, Sweetheart!"

"I'm so proud of you, Nikki. You'll do great."

"Thanks, Dad."

"When do you have to leave, dear?"

"The week after graduation."

"So in a month?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"We'll make the most of it, Nikki."

After dinner, I help with the dishes before going to the backyard with James. He has a fire going. Smore's fixings are next to him on one of the logs that surround the firepit.


"Hi, sis."

"Are you okay, kiddo?"

"I'm only one year younger than you, Nik."

"Yeah, I know. Old habits die hard."

"I'm gonna miss you like crazy."

"Hey, come on. I'll be back, and we still have a few weeks. Besides, you knew this would happen eventually."

"Yeah, I just—"

"I know. Enough talk of that. Let's make some smore's."

"Sounds good."

We go to bed around eleven, and I set the alarm for five in the morning as tomorrow is Saturday, and I'll be here to help with the morning chores around the ranch. These next few weeks consist of packing and getting everything in order before going to the academy. Three weeks later, I graduate from high school. This week we have made the trip with all of my stuff from our home in Texas to the academy in Maryland.

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