Chapter 13: Training

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The next day, Candy and I are in Gun's office as he tells us that we will be training some new lieutenants. We meet the guys in a classroom and demonstrate the maneuvers on the chalkboard then on the joystick. We then go to our planes.

"Good morning, gentlemen. This is Lieutenant Commander Seresin speaking. For hop number one, Candy and I will watch you perform maneuvers. Fox and Hill, the air is yours."

We do about five more hops today, and they all go incredibly well. At the end of the day, we are back in the classroom.

"Good job today, guys. I am pleased with your flexibility and quick learning skills. We reconvene tomorrow at 0700 hours. Dismissed."

"Bye, guys!" Candy shouts. "Well, Rage, we did good today."

"Yeah, we did. I can't wait for the days to come."

"Me neither. I never knew I would like teaching this much."

"You thinking to switch to it full-time?"

"I mean, it's most likely safer, right?"

"Probably, since you wouldn't actively be trying to kill or be killed. So, I think we'll do dogfighting starting on Wednesday. We can give our assessment to Gun sooner that way."

"Sounds great, Rage. I'll pick you up tomorrow at 0500. We can do our morning workout together."

"Yeah! We haven't done that in a few days. The kiddos kept waking up too dang early. See you, Candy!"

I get on my motorcycle and drive home. I hear my crying babies as I walk in. Goose is trying to calm them with a bottle.

"I'm home darling. Let me."

I feed them, bathe them, and rock them to sleep before taking a nap. I wake up at 1635 to a nice adult meal as the kids have gone to their grandparents' house for the week. After dinner, Nick and are talking in our office.

"Babe, what are we going to do?"

"Honey, we'll figure this out. We don't ship for two weeks so we've got a bit of time."

"I know, but what if I get deployed? What then? What if I'm pregnant again?"

"Are you?"

"Not at the moment, but—"

"Calm down, babe. We'll deal with this one step at a time."

"Okay. I'm going to bed. I've got an early morning. I love you, darling. I'll see you Saturday."

"Goodnight, honey. I love you too!"

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