Chapter 23: A Hill to Climb

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As I head to the classroom, Gun calls out to me.

"Yes, sir!"

"I just wanted you to know that for his punishment Fox is being relocated to Point Mugu."

"What about Hill, sir?"

"What do you think should happen to Hill?"

"I'd trust him with my life, sir. If he'd like to—"

"You're sure?"

"Absolutely positive, sir. While I would love to fly with Lieutenant Angel again, I believe she needs more time."

"All right. Would you like to inform him or should I—"

"I will. Thank you, sir."

I get to my classroom.

"Gentlemen. Tomorrow afternoon, we will attend Lieutenant Commander Young's funeral. Fourteen hundred hours. You are all expected to be there. Now, he would want us to move on. As I'm sure you have noticed, Lt. Machado is not here. Due to yesterday's actions, he has been stationed elsewhere. In my hand, I have each of your assessments. They are extremely detailed. Each and every single one of you has been personally recommended to continue on here by Lt. Cmdr. Candy—and—Lt. Cmdr. Rage. Congratulations, Lieutenants!"

They all cheer. Hill looks a little hesitant to celebrate just yet.

"Unfortunately, I'm being deployed next week for two months so I won't be team lead right now. That job falls to Lieutenant—Jack 'Sandals' Griffith. Congratulations."

"Th-Thank you, ma'am."

"You handled the situation yesterday very well. I have other bad-but-good news. Once I get back from deployment, I won't be flying for about five months."

They groan in disappointment.

"Why?" Rich yells out.

"It turns out I'm about ten weeks pregnant—with twins!"

They all cheer again.

"One last piece of news: Hill is being temporarily reassigned as he is currently without a pilot. That's all. Dismissed!"

The guys leave a little perplexed. Hill steps up and taps me on the shoulder once they are gone.

"Uh, ma'am?"

"Yes. What can I do for you, Lt. Smith?"

"What are my orders, please."

"Go get your gear."

"Yes, ma'am!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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