Chapter 17: Beach Volleyball

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Thursday, we get through with training in the air and head to the beach. We start our games off with RIOs vs. pilots. Pilots win, and we set up a tournament of our six plane teams. Candy and I absolutely dominate and win the whole thing. We then go up against the ten of them. I finally see them starting to work together and connect as a team.

"So, what did we learn today? Yeah, Hill."

"Don't leave your wingman without cover whether on the ground or in the air."

"Good. What else? Yes, Skeeter."

"We need to work as a team to defeat our enemy."

"Excellent! There should be one last thing you ten learned. Yes, Rich?"

"Um — we can't beat you no matter how hard we try?"

"There's the answer I was expecting. We are going to prove that wrong. No matter how long it takes, you need to figure out a way to beat everyone who stands against you in combat. It probably won't happen this week, but I believe in each of you. I know you all can do it."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Dismissed. We'll see you at 0845 tomorrow. Saturday, you'll come in for evaluations and tests with me."

"What about me?" Candy asks after the guys have left.

"Your transfer orders came in. Gun just told me this morning that you had already put in for it a while ago. You leave Saturday for Pensacola."

"Oh. Who—"

"It's undecided. Probably Angel again once she recovers."

"That would be good. I'm gonna miss you so much."

"Hey. This isn't a goodbye, Jay. It's only a see you soon. Okay?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"See ya tomorrow, Candy. Love you, bro!"

"Love ya, Rage."

A/N: Is it just me or is it taking forever to get to the Top Gun jazz?? Like there are still so many chapters to go, and... I don't know... ughhhhhhh like I want to skip to it, but I can't bring myself to write it yet, but OH the real reason I made this author's note originally was to say don't worry this won't replace either of the iconic beach scenes :) BYE!!!

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