Chapter 7: Introductions

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I drive home to find Nick and James cooking dinner.

"Hey, sis! You here for long?"

"Long enough to eat, I guess. Goosey, Jims, I need to talk to you both."

"Okay, honey. What is it?"

"I'll wait until we've prayed and once both of you are seated."

We bless the food, and the guys start to eat.

"I have a twin," I finally assert.

"No, you don't," James dismisses as he starts to laugh.

"Bud, I think she's serious. When did you—"

"I knew when I was younger, but I was told she had died in childbirth. Now, I assume she got misplaced at the hospital because apparently, she's not dead. She is a RIO as God foreordained it. I'm meeting her again in half-an-hour."

"Does she know a—"

"Yes. I told her, Jims. I didn't mention you yet, Goose."

"Understandable. I know you will. Have fun, honey. I love you."

"I love you too, ya big stud. I'll see you both in a while."

"Bye, sis," Jimmy whispers.

I get to the Birch and see Leona headed to me with two beers.

"I didn't know what to get so I decided to play it safe."

"Pretty good." I say taking a swig. "So—um—James is actually in town this week. He's a pretty great kid. I say kid, but he is twenty now."

We talk for two hours before deciding to leave. We write down our numbers and addresses and agree to call before bed to arrange another get-together. I get home to see Nick's Bronco is gone. I walk inside to a clean house with no one here but me. I call Leo's phone and invite her over since I know she lives on the next street over. She arrives a few minutes later, and I show her around before we go out back and start a fire. We make s'mores and hot chocolate as we continue to talk.

"So, I met him the first night at the bar. He had no clue I was in the Academy. We became best friends early on, and we did everything together. Three months ago, we had our first official date, and we got engaged. A month or so later, we had two weeks off due to a training accident. We went back to Texas and got married."

"Wow, that's amazing!"

"Yeah, it's pretty great. We are finally in the process of filling out all the necessary paperwork; but really no one will know since, at work, I'll keep my maiden name to avoid confusion."

"Makes sense. Who are you wanting to bring with us next week?"

"Um, probably my husband and James. Probably Honor as well. He was my husband's pilot for a time, and he officiated our wedding.

"Nice. I'll do my pilot Flour, our wingman Slider, and Slider's RIO Bones."

"Nice. Yeah, Goose is actually my RIO right now."

"That's fun."

"Oh, sounds like the boys are here. Do you—Would you like to meet them?"

"I would love to."

"Hey, Goose!"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Come meet my twin."

"Headin' your way, hon."


"I'm coming."

"Leo, this is our brother James. James this is Leona. And this cutie is my husband Nick Bradshaw."

"It's an honor to meet you both. Rage has told me so much. James, I'm sorry I couldn't have met you sooner."

Jimmy just chuckles and pulls her in for a hug with me and Goose. We stay like that for a bit before Leo heads out, and the three of us go to bed.

"Hey, honey."

"Hi, darling. What is it?"

"How many children are you wanting?"

"Maybe four, but I definitely want to wait a while. Why?"

"I mean, I'm curious. I understand wanting to wait, of course. Let our careers advance some first."

"Good. Doesn't mean we can't have some fun in the meantime. Goose, ya big stud?"

"That's me, honey."

"Take me to bed or lose me forever."

"Show me the way home, honey."

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