Chapter 18: Routines Meant to Be...

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I drive to the hospital. Rose meets me at the entrance.

"How is she?"

"Ready to be home. Her discharge paperwork is almost done, and we are getting the hysterectomy paperwork together for her. She has it planned for two weeks from Saturday."

"Sounds good, Rose. Hey, Leo!"

"Hi, Nik. Thanks for coming to get me."

"No problem. Let's go."

We get home, and I take my bike back to base for tomorrow evening. I walk back to the house and see Leo crying.

"Lils, talk to me."

"Sorry. I guess it's finally hitting me. I mean, I had already accepted it would happen, but I never thought beyond it happening."

"Right. I mean, you should have never had reason to even think about the possibility of this happening. I'm here for you, honey."

"Thanks, sis. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie. I hope you get good rest."

"You too. Night."

"Goodnight, dear."

I'm up by 0300 and getting ready. The kids are flying back in tonight, and I make sure their rooms are neat and ready. Jay picks me up at 0500, and we go straight to the track for our four-mile warmup. We then head to the weight room and have contests for who can lift the most. I win every single time. Candy just laughs before running the agreed upon laps. I do yoga to cool down. We take our showers before meeting in the briefing room.

"So, Fox and Hill with Birdie and Cats vs. you and me in A-4s?"

"Both of us flying?"

"Just for the twenty-ninth. I mean, if you're going to be teaching, you'll need to get used to flying by yourself again."

"Yeah, you're right."

"Then hop thirty, we'll have Jazz and Rich with Beauty and Loo vs. us with Sandals and Skeeter. After those two, we will evaluate who is flying the final hop with us."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Okay. I got permission for us to have one last flight just us. Get your gear. Wheels up in fifteen."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Rage to Tower. Lion One is ready for takeoff."

"Roger. You are clear for takeoff."

"Lion One taking off."

"Lion One airborne."

"Talk to me, Candy."

"It's a beautiful day for flying, Rage. Temperature 70˚ and not a bogey in sight. I say we do some maneuvers."

"You got it, Candy! Cobra! Kulbit. Yo-yo! Defensive spiral. Barrel roll! Inversion, and how we doing, Candy?!"

"Fan-fucking-tastic, Rage!"

"Okay then. Tower, this is Lion One requesting a flyby."

"Affirmative, Lion One. The pattern is empty."

"We're buzzing that tower, Candy!"

"Yeehaw, Rage!"

We land and do our postflight checks.

"Candy, it's been an absolute pleasure flying as your pilot."

"The honor is all mine, Rage. Seriously, Nikki. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I love you, sis."

"I love you too, Jay. I'll take good care of your family for you in the months to come."

"I appreciate it, Nik. Now, come here."

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