Chapter 5: Finally Flying

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Monday, I switch from the mechanics of my plane to --finally-- flying. I am assigned my RIO in a special briefing.

"Rage! Pilot!"

"Sir, yes, sir!"

"Your RIO is Goose. Wheels up in fifteen."


I walk to my Tomcat where I am met by my fiancé. We decided to keep our relationship a secret for now. I do a check of our jet from the outside before getting in. The two of us establish a pre-flight routine, and we are given the green light to take off. Our canopy lowers, and we are ready.

"Rage to Tower."

"Copy, Rage. Your duo will henceforth be referred to as Phantom Two."

"Copy, Tower. Phantom Two ready for takeoff."

"Copy, Phantom Two. You are clear for takeoff."

"Copy. Phantom Two out. Ready, Goose?"

"As I'll ever be, Rage."

"Higher, further, faster, baby!" I shout as we take to the skies. Our task is to perform a few basic maneuvers. "Talk to me, Goose."

"We are clear, Rage. No one in sight."

"All right. Barrel roll," I announce before doing it.

"Yee-haw!" Goose excitedly shouts.

We do a few more maneuvers before returning to base for landing.

"Phantom Two to Tower. We are ready to land."

"Copy. The ball is in your court. Call it."

"Roger. Rage has the ball." We touch down after a few seconds.

"Great balls of fire!"

"Phantom Two landed, Tower. We are parked."

"Good job, Phantom Two. Rage and Goose, dismissed."

"Copy. Thank you, sir." I take off my helmet as Goose opens the canopy. The two of us get out and head for the changing rooms. It should be no surprise that there is no ladies' room. The guys are nice enough to watch out for me now though.

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