Chapter 19: ...Broken

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Thirty minutes later, we are back in the classroom.

"Today, we have three hops. Fox, Hill, Birdie, and Cats up and ready. Wheels up in twenty. All the rest of you be ready in your planes to takeoff as soon as we land."

"Yes, ma'am."

I head to my A-4. Once in the air, Candy and I quickly shoot them down.

"Jazz, Beauty is your wingman. Sandals, you're with us. Fight's on!"

"Coming in at three o'clock low," Skeeter tells me.

"I see him. Watch this," I invert to get behind him. We quickly get locked on. "Jazz, Rich, head back to base. Talk to me, Candy."

"He's behind us and coming in hot."

"I see him. Sandals, can you do the Texas Showdown?"

"I believe so, ma'am."

"Okay. Let's ride 'em and rope 'em!"

"Yeehaw!" Candy yells.

We move into formation before completing the maneuver. I get a lock.

"Beauty, that's the end of the line for you," Candy announces.

"Everyone, back to base," I command.

"Who are we thinking?"

"Fox and Hill with Sandals and Skeeter. Does that work for you, Jay?"

"Sounds good. I can't believe this will be our last—"

"Hey, now don't say that. We'll be flying together again before you know it! Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

"I feel the need—"

"The need for speed!" we both shout before high-fiving.


We get in our plane again and take off.

"Talk to me, Candy."

"We're clear for now. Go ahead, Rage."

"Okay, gentlemen, this is hop thirty-one. Two days until official squad duty. It's bottom of the ninth. Your chances are good. It's time for the big one," as I finish, we listen to them.

"You up for this one, Sandals?"

"Just a walk in the park, Machado."

"Contact. One bogey. One-six-five. Two miles. Looks like she's going away from us."

"Ho, I see them."

"Tallyho. Right, two o'clock. She's in. What is?"

"Fox, get the hell out of there!"

I try to pay attention, but everything happens so fast.

"Shit! She's in our jet wash!" Hill exclaims.

"Candy, we've got a flameout. Engine one is out. Engine two is out."

I try desperately to get control back.

"Candy, I'm losing control! It won't recover. Shit!"


"Why in the damn hell do you boys have missile lock on me?!"

"She's in a flat spin going down in the sea!" Sandals yells.

"Fox, why the fuck do you have lock?!" Skeeter asks.

"I'm winning this thing."

"Altitude 8,000! 7,000! Six. We're at six, Rage!"

"I'm pinned forward, Candy. I can't reach the ejection handles. Candy, you have to punch us out. I can't reach. Eject!"

"I'm trying."

"Eject! Eject! Eject! Candy, I love you!"

"I love you, too, Rage! Watch the canopy!"

"Candy! Candy!" I yell as we eject. "No!!!" I scream as I see his seemingly broken neck. I land a few feet away from him. I swim over and try to find any sign of life. I unclip my parachute so I can get under and bring him up. "Oh, no. Oh, God, help me! Please, God, please. This can't be the end! NO!!"

Emergency workers arrive about twenty minutes later. Candy is in my arms— dead. I cried my heart out, but now all I feel is a sense of peace. I know I'll see him again someday.

"Ma'am! Let go! You gotta let him go, ma'am."

I slowly allow the medical team to drag him away from me.

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