Chapter 8: Time Skip

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The next week Leo and I did our task, she met our mama, and I met the Lewistons. We unofficially adopted each other's families. Three months later, we graduated from the academy. As we are assigned to squadrons, Goose is no longer my RIO. I am shocked as we were told they would keep us together, but I leave it up to God. Leona, we realize, is my new RIO. Goose's pilot will be someone with the callsign Maverick. Unfortunately, I probably won't get to meet him for a while. Ang (Leo) and I have been deployed to France, and Goose is somewhere in the Pacific. Ang and I are the only women in our squadron, but we quickly become the leader as we are incredibly skilled. We are promoted to lieutenants after only six months due to our intense missions. We end up being transferred around Europe quite a few times, and we learn quite a lot. Eventually, we are restationed to be with Mav and Goose in Virginia. Nick picks us up from the airport.


"Lieutenant Seresin."

"Goose, is everything okay?"

"Yes! I'm just so proud of you, baby!"

"Aww. I've missed you, Goose!"

"I missed you too, honey. Angel! Congrats, Lieutenant!"

"Thanks, Bradshaw!"

We give hugs all around and climb into the Bronco.

We give hugs all around and climb into the Bronco

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"I can't wait to get to the house."

"Why is that, Mrs. Bradshaw?"

"I think you know exactly why, Mr. Bradshaw."

"You guys realize I'm still here, right?"

"Sorry, Ang."

"Sorry, sis. I thought you liked—"

"Yes, I like the idea of being an aunt, but I don't want to hear about the process, thanks."

"Great Balls of Fire" comes on the radio, and we spend the rest of the drive home singing along to some of the greatest hits. Goose pulls into the garage, and Ang and I head inside as Goose grabs the bags for us.

"Thanks, darling."

"Of course, dear

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"Of course, dear. So, Mav and I got the house set up with everything we had in storage from Maryland. We can change it any way you like though."

"Where is Mav? Out with another girl again?" I tease knowing that's likely with everything Nick has told me.

"Actually, he should be—"

"Honey, I'm home!"

"One sec, Mav! The girls just—"

I kiss Nick, but Maverick walks in a moment later. I realize Leo must have gone to unpack in her room upstairs.

"Wow. Uh, hi. Good to see you again, Nicole."

"Hey, Pete. How've you been?"

"Good, yeah. This must be Leona, then?"

"A pleasure, Pete," my sister says as she shakes his hand.

"Likewise, I'm sure. Well, you ladies probably want to get settled."

"Actually, Pete, would you mind showing me around? I have a feeling that these two lovebirds could use some alone time."

"Ah—yes. We will leave you two be."

"Thanks. Mav, I'm really glad you're Goose's pilot. I trust you."

"That means a lot, Rage."

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