Chapter 20: Hospitals and Visits

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I am taken to the hospital. They clear me fairly quickly as nothing seems to be wrong with me. Ro walks in and sits down.

"He loved flying with you, Rage. He'd want you to keep going."

"I will. God help me, I will."

"Aunt Rage!"

"Chris, baby! Hello, my love."

"I wuvoo!"

"I love you too, buddy. Ro, do you want me—"

"Only if you're sure."

"Our kids get back tonight. I think it would be good for them all to be together."

I pick him up and start heading out to the car.


"Gun, sir."

"I want you to know that Fox is going to trial for what happened."


"He was aiming at both of you. You are not at fault whatsoever. His jet should have never been in that position."

"Thank you, sir."

"Take all the time you need."

"Sir?" he turns to me, "I'll see you tomorrow morning."


I carry Chris to the car and buckle him in properly, and we head home. At 2200, Leo, Christopher, and I go to the airport. I am driving Candy's van, and Leo has her car. The kids, as well as Leo's and my parents, get off the plane and pile into the two vehicles. The drive home is lively as we discuss everything the kids have done in the past five days. We get home and put them all to bed. I figure out the final assessments of all the recruits and where they will best fit in our squadron. While I'm working, I don't even notice the manila folder Leo had left on my desk.

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