Chapter 2: Housemate

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I have a nice little house just off campus. Classes start tomorrow, and I'm excited but incredibly nervous as I will be the only girl here. I get up in the morning and put on my Navy Work Uniform. I walk to campus and get to my first class. In this class, they teach us all about the aircraft we will be flying. Aside from this class, today I have engineering and history. Shortly after I get home, the phone rings. I pick up the receiver.


"Hi, Nikki!"


"Yep! How are you?"

"I'm doing well. My first day of classes went fine, and I even made a couple of friends among all these guys. Right now, I'm just about to finish unpacking."

"I have a better idea."

"What is it?"

"Let's go out!"

"Aren't you in Texas?"

"No, I'm not. I'm here in town! I want to move in with you until I can get a place of my own. What do you say?"

"I'd love that, Jane. Yes! I'm assuming you know the address?"

"Yep, Mama Seresin shipped me off three days ago with your phone number and address in tow. I'll be right over?"

"Can't wait!"

I hang up and take a quick shower. I find an outfit to wear tonight, and Jane gets here just as I am grabbing my makeup bag.

 I find an outfit to wear tonight, and Jane gets here just as I am grabbing my makeup bag

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"Coming!" I quickly let her in. "Jane!"

"Nik! You look stunning. Let me help you with your makeup."

"Yes, please."

We finish getting ready and go to the local bar. I see several of my fellow students. We head straight for the bartender and get two root beers since I drove us on my motorcycle. We sit on a couple of barstools as we wait for our drinks. While the two of us are catching up, someone comes up to the stool next to me.

"Is this seat taken?" he asks. He looks nice enough, and he is in NWU so I reply.

"It is now. I'm Nicole or Nikki, and this is my friend Jane."



"It's nice to meet you, Nick. What brings you here, if you don't mind my asking," I inquire.

"I'm attending the Naval Academy. I just had my first day of classes. You girls from around here?"

"We've been in the area a little while," Jane says. "Oh, if you'll excuse me, I see someone I know."

"Of course."

I glare after her before turning my attention back to the man in front of me.

"So why are you here?" he asks. "This doesn't really seem like your scene."

"Oh? Well, it depends on the situation. Jane likes to get me out once in a while, so here I am."

"Here you are. If it's not too forward, would you like to go for a stroll?"

"I'd like that, Nick."

He offers me his arm, and we walk and talk for a couple of hours before deciding we should leave

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He offers me his arm, and we walk and talk for a couple of hours before deciding we should leave. Since I had slipped Jane my bike keys, I make the short walk home. When I get there, Jane is already asleep.

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