Chapter Three

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I looked over at Austin. He was squeezing his pencil with his black painted fingernails so tight, that his knuckles turned white. It made those attractive looking veins pop out. Yum. It made me blush.

"Be at my house in an hour. If you're late, there will be consequences." he grumbled while biting his lip.

I liked the sound of that. It made my already flushed face look even more red.

"Alright" I replied and walked away, stumbling, because I was so clumsy.

~One hour later~

I shakilly knocked on his front door. A single drop of sweat dripped down my brow and my knees shook. I don't think I've ever been so nervous.

His house was huge. I always knew his family was rich, but this isn't what I was expecting.

He opened the door and my jaw dropped. He wasn't wearing a shirt. I felt like his abs were staring at me as he gestured for me to come in. I slowly passed by him, and was even more shocked by the size of the inside.

The two of us sat down on his couch.

Suddenly, I couldn't hold in my questions any longer.

"Why are you so mean to people at school?"

He sighed. "Well, I guess I just had a hard childhood. My dad was never around much. And now, he wants me to take over the family business, when that's never what I wanted to do with my life! And now, well, I'm in love with a girl who doesn't love me back."

"Who is she?" I inquired.

He looked into my orbs and said, "It's you, Y/N. It's always been you."

I was shocked. I always thought I was too quirky to ever have someone fall in love with me.

I stared into his chocolate brown orbs, and got lost in them. I ran my fingers across his silky skin and through his midnight black hair.

He then bent down and kissed me.

The adventures of quirky Y/N and her vampire boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now