Chapter Nineteen

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The time came for me to go to school. Which also meant it was payback time for Isabelle and her posse. I knew my exact plan of action. As soon as my first 3 classes ended, I snuck up to the rooftop, where students were not allowed. I hid behind a bush and used my cell phone to begin recording. After a little waiting, I finally saw it. Isabelle, and our English teacher, Mr. Keating, kissing! I silently waited for them to leave.

Once they left, I ended the recording and snuck out and ran to find Isabelle's boyfriend, Carter. I ran through crowded hallways, dodging confused faces. At last, I saw him. But I'm so clumsy I tripped right into him and we fell to the floor.

"O-o-o-o-o-oh I'm s-s-s-s-so sorry" I stuttered out.

"Hey Y/N, i-it's alright." He said, a slight blush forming over his toned cheeks.

"Um I'm really sorry to be the one to tell you this, but...." I trailed off.

"W-w-what is it?" he asked nervously.

I took a deep breath, and played him the video on my cell phone. After watching the video, staring at the phone in shock and horror, he fell to his knees in a screaming sob.

"I-I-I-I-it's alright Carter. She's obviously a two-faced cheater who never loved you." I said, tucking a strand of his curly blonde hair behind his ear. "You deserve better."

"You know what Y/N? You always know exactly what to say. I don't think I ever noticed how beautiful you are before" he said, while slowly touching his hand to my cheek.

I heard stomping from behind me, turning around to see Austin! He grabbed Carter's hand and roared in his face.

"Touch my girl again and you won't have any hands to do it with" he threatened in a low voice, kicking him to the ground. Then he grabbed my hand and roughly turned around, storming out of the room, dragging me out behind him. Eventually we reached a janitor's closet. He shoved me in and slammed the door shut behind us.

"What have I told you about allowing other men to touch you?" he growled in a low voice.

"I-I-I-I-I'm so sorry my piping bag, I-I-I-I wasn't t-thinking!" I stuttered out.

"You just love to see me jealous, don't you?" he chuckled lowly. He then roughly slammed his lips onto mine. We were a mess of passion until the next period bell rang.

"I'll see you later, my boston cream donut" he told me, his lips against mine.

"O-o-o-okay bunny" I whispered back.

"Don't call me that at school. It makes me seem weak" he told me, before striding out of the closet, my lipgloss apparent on his lips.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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