Chapter Eight

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I awoke from my dreams, excited to go see Austin at school today. Rolling out of bed, I put on my black leggings, oversized hoodie, and white air forces. Pulling my long blonde hair into a messy bun, I grabbed my bag and left my house.

I didn't put on any makeup because I'm not like other girls. I barely know what makeup is. I know that you put lipstick on your eyelashes and eyeliner on your eyebrows. That's all, and even knowing that much is embarrassing.

I walked in the school doors and saw Vanessa standing there, with Mackenzie and Isabelle.

"Hey Y/N you TRAMP" she squealed, giggling. "So who's the father?"

I chuckled, knowing Austin wasn't here to dump her yet. "Oh you'll see Vanessa, you'll see."

"You know what, I think I've had just about enough of you." she snarled. Mackenzie and Isabelle slowly backed me into a locker, and locked it. I was trapped.

For hours, I called out for help, but nobody heard. I heard the lunchtime talent show start in the cafeteria. I pounded on the locker, and finally, a teacher heard me, and opened the locker.

I jumped out and ran to the bathroom, to wipe away my tears. After cleaning up a little, I rushed myself down to the cafeteria.

Vanessa had just finished her song and dance routine to the song "WAP". She was a terrible singer and dancer, despite being in classes for the past thirteen years. And yet, she received an unbelievable amount of applause, because she was pretty and popular.

I told the teacher that I wanted to perform and which song I wanted to sing, and then went to sit down.

Two other people went before it was my turn. A boy named Noah doing a ventriloquy routine with his puppet named Oliver, and a girl named Melanie doing a gymnastics routine.

Finally, I heard my named called.

I slowly walked towards the stage and up the little stairs. My hands shakilly held the microphone and my knees trembled.

I saw Vanessa and her posse laughing and pointing towards me.

The music started playing. I took a deep breath and started to sing.

The adventures of quirky Y/N and her vampire boyfriend Where stories live. Discover now