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Rain may appear to be innocent but he's a trouble maker, he enjoys playing pranks on people because they instantly blame sodo and its funny to see sodo get scolded over nothing.

Phantom can't figure out his balaclava for the life of him, when ever he puts it on it tangles up and makes him look like he has Kylie Jenner lips, sodo takes the piss out of him for it.

Rain has slight autism, he is sensitive to loud sounds which is why when sodo is showing off his guitar sounds, rain often tries to cover his ears, he's not sensitive to the music though, just that sound, he also has sensory issues with taste and textures.

Sodo has ADHD and as a kit sister would give him meds to prevent him from jumping a sibling of sin and scarring them for life.

Swiss went through some rough shit in his life before being a ghoul, his father was a Hard-core Catholic but also an alcoholic and drug addict, he did heroine constantly and swiss has memories of going into the kitchen to get water and his dad was snorting lines of cocaine off the kitchen counter, he has scars along his back and stomach from where his father would hit him regularly.

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