🔞 Lactation - Sodo

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You were hungry one night and decided to sneak to the kitchen, it was rather late so no one was around to stop you, you walked into the kitchen and saw a batch of cookies, you didn't think anything of it and ate about 2-3, once you were satisfied you made your way back to the comforts of your room, You felt a bit sick on the way back which wasn't good, but still, once you got back you felt a pain in your breasts, you hadn't felt anything like this before and it hurt.

"Shit.." you whispered feeling the pain get worse, you felt your bra was wet and that concerned you a bit, you took your shirt off and saw you were lactating? Odd, your not pregnant.."what the fuck.." you whispered to yourself, feeling the pain worsening as you began to produce breast milk, You had no choice but to just ask someone for help, None of the ghoulettes would be awake or have a breast pump laying around.

You felt embarrassment bulid up as you gently knocked on sodo's door, praying he was awake, He opened his door and luckily his lights were on, so he wasn't asleep yet "What are you doing awake at this hour?" Sodo asked, confused since it was pretty late.

"I need your help sodo..I'm..Something has happened." You got to embarrassed to say it to his face what was happening, you didnt even know why you were lactating, it wasn't possible that you were pregnant, Sodo invited you into his room and closed the door "dear I need you to tell me what is wrong." Sodo said in a calm tone, surprising for sodo to be calm, You felt your throat go dry, not being able to live through this humiliation.

"Im..lactating and it hurts so much ..please sodo your the only one awake.." you muttered, feeling ashamed to even have to ask this stuff of your best friend, You saw a small smirk appear, Making you feel even worse.

"Come on, no need to be embarrassed about a bit of tit milk." Sodo tried his best not to laugh, He gently pulled you to his bed and sat you down, You hoped there was a simple way to stop it like sodo had a breast pump for unknown reasons but no.."If you want my help then I'll have to drink it dear." Sodo smirked (CRYINF).

Your cheeks flushed as you looked to the floor shamefully, Your breath hitched as the pain got worse, without a care in the world you pushed the embarrassment away and pulled your night gown up, your breasts leaking with milk.

"Satanas." Sodo muttered his lips curved into a smirk as he
Laid you down gently and attached his mouth to one of your breasts, sucking the milk from your breast, you sighed feeling the pain in one of your breasts fade, It was like a weight being lifted from your chest, Sodo seemed to be enjoying it, His hand travelled to your panties and slipped them down, his fingers began rubbing at your clit gently.

Im to lazy to write more

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