|Made of glass - Phantom|

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Ignore typos I ain't slept properly in nearly a week
This has pretty gross details of a wound, bones, and blood, and sodo being an absolute cunt

It was near the end of a successful practice with the new ghoul and ghoulette who had taken the names 'Aurora' and 'Phantom' are what fans have named them, so that's what they are referred to by others members of the cathedral.

"Mary on a! Mary on a cross!" Aurora sang happily, her voice hitting amazing notes making the others smile "Mary on a...cross..." Papa finished the song with a big grin, swiss carrying out the 'cross' part.

"That was amazing my amazing ghouls!" Papa clapped, Cumulus and cirrus had already ran over to aurora, complementing her amazing ability to sing.

Phantom and swiss were next to eachother, speaking to one another, Phantom got to distracted in the conversation and came to the edge of the practice stage "Phantom watch ou-" Swiss shouted but was cut off by a loud crack.

Everyone looked over to see the newest rhythm guitar on the floor, he had fallen, but the sound wasn't anything good, it wasn't the guitar, his jeans had ripped and a pool of blood slowly appeared, Phantom was in shock, Papa rushed to the ghouls side "What happened here?" Papa looked at swiss and knelt down, a bone was visible poking out of Phantoms skin on his shin "we were talking and he fell" swiss sounded worried, jumping down and seeing the damage, sodo snickered from across the room since he hated Phantoms very existence.

"Satanas..that is disgusting" swiss mumbled, looking at the wound, Phantom let out a cry of pain and bit his balaclava causing it to rip "Okay swiss, can you quickly get to the med bay and get medics ready for him?" Papa asked swiss "On it" swiss said and he was off.

"Your Made of glass Phantom" Papa spoke calmly, he picked the ghoul up since the ghoul hardly weighted anything he was easy to pick up, Mountain ran over and grabbed phantoms leg very gently, holding it up so he didn't loose circulation.


"You look ridiculous" sodo was in stitches, laughing while seeing phantom in a wheelchair, his leg sticking up with a massive cast going from his hip to his ankle "Fuck off fire ghoul" Phantom rolled his eyes.


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