| Rain hcs🛐 |

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Rain goes non-verbal when he's shy

Rain loves to swim in the lake late at night

Rain hasn't always played bass, for a while he took an interest in keyboard but soon moved to bass

Rain often gets ill when the weather changes from cold to hot or hot to cold, so in most UK tours he comes back to the cathedral ill

Rain will get so cold so easily so its a priority for the other members to make sure he is walm while touring because they don't want him getting ill half way through touring

Rain has ADHD and is on the autism spectrum but not badly

Rain is absolutely terrified of thunder, even though he loves rainy weather, he hates thunder and is scared of it

Rain has 4 piercings that he was convinced to get, that piercing is a septum, he has 3 on his ears but on the face he only settled for one, on his ear he has 1st lobe 2nd lobe and a helix

Rain is a master at monopoly and uno, he always finds a way to win without cheating

Rain is a siren and some nights he will sit in the ocean and sing a song sirens used to kill sailors and prey on them, although Rain has no intent on hurting the people he draws in, just likes to tease and make them loose track of where they were sailing to

Rain is a prankster and often loves to prank or tease people

Rain loves boobs and thighs of all genders

Rain tends to paint his nails and loves to help the ghoulettes do their nails, hair and makeup

My lil fishy boy🥲

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