Cuddles - Mountain

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You were laying in bed at around 8:54pm, last time you had seen mountain, he was going to water his plants, mind you it's raining at the moment and is probably cold, you didn't didn't much since he could had been with another ghoul, Suddenly the door opened and there was mountain, he was soaked despite the rain coat, it didn't help, the poor ghoul was soaked and cold, you immediately got up and rushed to his side "I told you to leave it till the morning mountain.." you muttered looking at the ghoul with a sympathetic look.

He shrugged and hung his coat up, he was freezing cold, you grabbed him some fresh clothes, pair of joggers and a t-shirt, you walked to him and gave him the clothes "change into these, I'll go get you some warm tea." You handed mountain the clothes and smiled "thank you." He thanked you with a smile.

You left the room and walked down the dimly lit halls of the ministry till you finally arrived at the kitchen area, You boiled the kettle that had water in it already and made a tea for mountain and rushed back up to the room, when you walked in you saw mountain buried in the blankets, You smiled and walked to the bedside next to him and set the tea down.

"Feeling warmer?" You said with a small laugh seeing the ghoul nod, you got under the blankets with him and climbed on top of him, you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, He wrapped his hands around you and smiled, enjoying the cuddle.

"You give the best cuddles." you muttered into his neck, Your hot breath tickling him a bit "you do aswell." He smiled, He synced his breathing with yours and soon the two of you fell asleep.

The next morning you scolded mountain for wasting the tea 😞

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