ghouls as things me and mi cousin said

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Phantom: whats this? *holding a vibrator*
Sodo: that my dear child is now mine.

Swiss: The cat is not my son *throws the cat* HEE HEE WOO *moon walks*

Sodo: *playing guitar and messes up* i lick balls
Swiss: me to

Rain: what is something you love?
Sodo: Dick.

Phantom: if i was an ant..would you love me or hate me?
Sodo: I'd drown you, give you ant cpr, bring you to life again and then cook you and feed you to my dad.

Mountain: I think my plant is dying.
Sodo: i think im dying *starts gagging like a cat with a hairball*
Mountain: what the actual fuck

Swiss: *in the shower* We dont need another heeerrrooooooo..we dont need to know the waaaayyy homEE AAAH GET OUT MY SHOWR!
Sodo: you smell clean

Sodo: *wakes up and looks in the mirror* WHY DO I HAVE A COCKODOODLEDO ON MY FOREHEAD!?

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