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" light switch - Charlie Puth "
1 September
I woke up super early and got dressed. I was going to a school!
I was nervous but still, I was excited to go to a new school. I was clearly overjoyed because of my excitement. I reached kings cross station nearly 15 minutes earlier which was good because I could meet some of my friends on the train.

I had one friend named Ronald Weasley. We were friends since childhood and the only reason mother let me be friends with him was that they were pure but she still despised him for being poor and being ' blood traitors '.

I would spend the summer at the burrow and one of my most happy memory was there.
Waking up with the sound of Molly yelling at Fred and George never  gets old.
I will spend only a few days there because of obvious reasons
I remember one time I pranked Ron with Fred and George and he cried so much after that prank. It was brutal though

Molly did give us a lecture but we were happy and cheeky as always. I have always been close to them, they were like my family. I consider so many people as my own, like it is so naive of me but I love them.

And as expected I saw Ron in a compartment with a boy with the same jet black haired boy I saw at diagon alley.

' Hey, Eve here! ' Ron exclaimed

' Hey Ron, who is he? ' I asked with a lot of questions in my mind.

' Oh he is Harry Potter, probably heard of him right? '
' You mean the boy who lived?'
I squeaked

was clearly astonished to meet him.

' Oh don't call me that just call me Harry ' He said with a big smile.

' Harry, by the way I am Evara Asterin, I am eleven and a proud pure blood. ' I said with great pride.

" What's pure blood? " He asked

' He doesn't know about blood status ' Ron whispered into my ear.

' Oh, well then rather not talk about it, should we? After all we are together after a long summer. ' I tried changing the topic this time.

As we were settled down we started to talk.
We were passing fields full of cows and sheeps.

Around half past twelve there was a great flattering outside in the corridor.
It was the trolley woman. I never really had anything for candies but Ron sure likes them.
They started having a chat on candies or something like that.

I was bored so I was just looking out of the compartment.
I saw a blonde boy outside the compartment. The same one I saw at Madam Malkin's Robes.

I don't know why but he reminded me of Narcissa. I reached him to say Hi.

' Hey there! Are you a first year- '

' I don't want to talk to a girl like you. You look like someone who will cause a disaster' He scoffed while cutting me in mid sentence.

Why was he so rude?

He looked like someone who is going to trouble my life ahead. I should keep myself distant from him.
That conversation made me quite arrogant for a few minutes but a few minutes later a girl barged into the compartment.

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