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" Sweater Weather ( speed up) - the neighborhood"

1 September
The third year just started and we have changed the D.A.D.A twice. I was alone trying to manage my thoughts in a compartment when a middle-aged man joined me along with Ron Harry and Hermione . That man just slept through the whole train ride. He has a briefcase with the label " Professor Remus Lupin "
" Hey Evara are you okay? You look kinda off " Ron asked
"No Ron I am fine "
The best lie
" Um are you sure because after you came back from petrification you act differently and talks less to us and spend more time with Neville and Luna"
" I'm fine I said"
" I see," he said with a frown
And to mention I am getting different flashbacks now it's like A very shabby voice saying " pretty and strong at the same time, please come to me, join us "
Why is someone calling me? But the voice wasn't of someone I know. I didn't want to think about it much.
Suddenly the compartment became cold and a black creature tried entering it. I almost fainted. But the man instantly stood up and casted a charm. Thank Merlin.
What was it? But it clearly wasn't a human.
We reached our station very fast than before and we are greeted by Hagrid
" Hey, Hagrid how are you?"
" I m fine what bout yer?"
" Oh I am pleasant as ever "
I met Luna and I think Luna is the only one who didn't find me annoying at first sight. Luna is a literal sweetheart. She listens to me and I don't find her Different at all, she is just unique. She also introduced me to Ginny.
We reached the great hall and waited for the sorting ceremony to start. Talks were whispering and laughing. My eyes were roaming around until I spotted a familiar blonde
Draco Malfoy
He hit puberty quite fast like over the summer. He had a good hairstyle and a jawline and look so much better than before or you can say he was looking selcouth which meant strange, unfamiliar, rare yet beautiful.
Just then he saw me staring at him. Oh no no no he didn't for the sake of Rowena Ravenclaw no.
Draco's POV:
Was she staring at me? I think not because she was smiling but I need to say she was looking beautiful
Her features were now developed and her brown eyes had a sparkle. Her Asian skin color reflected the shine. Her lips also became pinker they almost made me have anorexia ( the overwhelming desire to kiss ) but she still looked annoying. If there was one word to describe her it would be Seraphic, beautiful and pure; having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub; of or relating to an angel of the first order.
Just then the sorting ceremony ended. I don't even remember clapping for anyone I was just staring at her. Just after the banquet finished I ran to my dorm I just wanted some peace
Evara's POV:

After the banquet, I hastened back to my dormitory so I could read. I instantly changed into a cozy outfit. Reading alone is one of my favorite ways to unwind. I was reading "Little Women" while sitting by my window when I noticed it was pouring severely. It was past midnight, and I couldn't help but feel the want to step out and dance in the petrichor smell, so I just somehow succeeded in getting out. I have no idea why, but Snape was patrolling and it was really tough to get past him, plus there were a lot of flying black things. I'm really sure how I managed to avoid pet peeves, but I did! I'm lucky.I sprinted into the school grounds and got up to dance in the shower.

I jumped, whirled, as well as did some stupid moves until I noticed a boy was also dancing. I screamed " Who the heck are you and what are you doing here? "
" I have the same question who are you? " That boy shouted
We came close to each other
"I-I can't tell you who I am "
"I can't either "

Despite the fact that none of us could see each other's features, I could still tell that he was gorgeous. We simply exchanged blank looks for a while."Well, why don't we dance as a collective? I observed you dancing while you seemed quite happy."He huffed and turned to walk away when all of a sudden he grabbed my arm and spun me around. He touches my cheek while turning to face me.Yeah, if you like it, he replied with a smile.We both did some ridiculous motions and slow danced. He spun me around several times. He was so skilled at dancing, and we were dancing so flawlessly that it appeared we had done it frequently.

The manner in which his hands knew when to touch my waist. His touch gave me goosebumps. Everything felt like a Reverie ( a beautiful daydream). It all was so orphic ( rare and mysterious). We didn't care for anyone seeing us together. He pulled me so close to him that I could feel his breath against my neck. We both were cold and soaking wet but we didn't care. Was I already falling for this boy? and we then just lay on the ground at last we just laid on the ground laughing out of breath.
" I had the best time I had in ages" he chuckled
"Me too "
We looked into each other's eyes and I noticed that they were grey. It was beautiful as they were shining in the moonlight.
Just then we heard Professor McGonagall we both frantically stood up.
" Looks like we need to go"
" Promise you will come tomorrow, again at this time," He said placing a hand on my cheek and brushing my lips.
" I will I promise"
I ran to my dorm and I saw Luna waiting for me there
" Where were you Evara? I was looking for you everywhere-"
"Bestie guess what!"
"Oh first dry yourself and then tell me "
After I changed I realized that I'd caught a cold.
" Luna you would not believe it I met a boy. We danced and talked and-"
" And you are falling for him. Aren't you?"
" Kind of- "
" You've caught a cold so please take care of yourself"
Luna headed back to her dorm leaving me behind.
Tonight was the first time I ever experienced the word Alexithymia
the inability to express your feelings
I felt it
That boy was my happiest memory.
But now I have a cold

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